London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
The thesis investigates Shi'ite ritual in Bahrain withparticular attention to women's involvement. The analysisrelies heavily on the interpretation of the symbolicstructure of these rituals and the roles and meanings thatare attached to similar or identical symbols in non-ritualcontexts. It is this comparison, combined with an emphasison indigenous points of view, which forms the basis of thethesis' argument, and the interpretations found therein.The thesis suggests that ritual is central to the livesof Bahraini Shi'i: it organizes particular social networks,contributes to local definitions of gender and agedistinctions and continually presents a model which accountsfor the origins of the Shi'ite universe. Each of thesepoints is examined in detail. With respect to socialreactions the thesis demonstrates the close interdependencebetween women's positions within the neighbourhood and theirsimultaneous involvement in demanding ritualresponsibilities. It is the close association found betweenphysical and spiritual maturity which makes the factors ofgender and age critical to defining ritual involvement.Finally the idea that Shi'ite ritual contains a model oftheir origins leads to a discussion of the Imam Husain, theProphet Mohammed's grandson, and his martyrdom. Thisdiscussion provides the basis for suggesting that the key toShi'ite life and regeneration rests on the concepts ofatonement and sacrifice.The thesis concludes by reemphasizing the value ofdescription in anthroplogy, the use of indigenous models as astarting •point in analysis and the mixed advantages ofsymbolic interpretation. The concluding discussion alsooutlines a case for looking at the emotional character ofritual in a more direct and systematic fashion than thatpreviously found in anthropological analysis.
Schumacher, Ilsa Amelia.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)