Burayda b. al-Ḥuṣayb - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Lecker, Michael
(494 words)
Burayda b. al-Ḥuṣayb al-Aslamī was a Companion of the prophet Muḥammad, from the Sahm, a subdivision of the Aslam b. Afṣā tribe that was part of the Khuzāʿa group. Burayda's biography reflects the social and political upheavals of early Islam. He and many fellow tribesmen left their tribal territory after the battle of Uḥud (3/625) and settled near Thaniyyat al-Wadāʿ in northern Medina. He took part in the expedition of Ḥudaybiyya (6/628) and in the conquests of Khaybar (7/628) and Mecca (8/630).