Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming ... And How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It!.
New York, NY :
Plata Publishing, LLC.,
1 online resource (321 pages)
Rich dad
Introduction ; SECTION ONE: IS THE FAIRY TALE OVER? ; 1. A Change in the Law, a Change in the Future; 2. The Law that Changed the World ; 3. Are You Ready to Face the Real World? ; 4. The Nightmare Begins; 5. What Are Your Financial Assumptions? ; 6. Just Because You Invest Does Not Mean You Are an Investor; 7. Everyone Needs to Become an Investor ; 8. The Cause of the Problem ; 9. The Perfect Storm ; SECTION TWO: BUILDING THE ARK ; 10. How Do You Build an Ark? ; 11. Taking Control of the Ark ; 12. Control #1: Control Over Yourself ; 13. Control #2: Control Over Your Emotions.
14. How I Built My Ark 15. Control #3: Control Over Your Excuses; 16. Control #4: Control Over Your Vision ; 17. Control #5: Control Over the Rules ; 18. Control #6: Control Over Your Advisors ; 19. Control #7: Control Over Your Time ; 20. Control #8: Control Over Your Destiny ; Conclusion: A Prophet's Hope Is to Be Wrong.
Rich Dad's Prophecy : Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming ... And How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It!