Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector in China /
Weikang Zou.
Singapore :
1 online resource
CSR, sustainability, ethics & governance,
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Foreword; Contents; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; Abstract; Theoretical Framework in Corporate Governance of Banking Organizations; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Background and Research Problems; 1.2 Theory and Concepts; 1.2.1 Extant Theories on Corporate Governance; 1.2.2 Discursive Institutional Approach; 1.2.3 New Understanding of Corporate Governance with Discursive Institutional Approach; 1.2.4 Theories of Corporate Governance in Banking Organization; 1.2.5 Theories of Corporate Governance in Banking Organizations in China; 1.3 Overview of the Chapters; 1.4 Contribution
3.2 The Anglo-Saxon Model3.2.1 Bank and Economy; 3.2.2 Financial Regulation; 3.2.3 Financial Re-regulation and De-re-regulation; 3.2.4 Legal Intervention; 3.2.5 Implication of Legitimacy on Paradigm and Frame in Corporate Governance in Banking Organizations; 3.3 The Continental Model and State-Affected Model; 3.3.1 Continental Model; 3.3.2 State-Affected Model Countries; 3.4 Conclusion; References; 4 Legitimacy of Corporate Governance in Chinese Banking Organizations; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Bank and Economy; 4.2.1 Bank and Economic Development; 4.2.2 Bank and Industries
4.2.3 Bank and Enterprises, SOEs Versus SMEs4.3 Bank and Administrative Control, Governance and Financial Regulation; 4.3.1 Financial Control and Administrative Governance; 4.3.2 Deregulation; 4.4 Bank and Legal Influences; 4.4.1 Judicial Passivism; 4.4.2 Judicial Activism; 4.5 Bank and International Influence; 4.6 Implication for Paradigm and Specific Governance Structure; 4.7 Conclusion; References; Corporate Governance in Banking Organizations: Paradigm; 5 Paradigm Discourses on Corporate Governance in Banking Organizations; 5.1 Introduction
5.2 General Models of Corporate Governance Around the World5.2.1 The Anglo-Saxon Model; 5.2.2 The Continental Model; 5.2.3 Other Models and Relevant Theories; 5.3 Paradigm Discourses in Corporate Governance in Banking Organizations; 5.3.1 The Anglo-Saxon Model: The Shareholder Primacy Theory Refined; 5.3.2 The Continental Model and the State-Affected Model; 5.4 Conclusion; References; 6 The Paradigmatic Analysis on Corporate Governance in Banking Organizations in China; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The Enhanced Shareholder Primacy Theory in China
Focusing on the dichotomous and comparative analysis of the legitimacy, paradigm, and operating frames of bank governance and its reproduction in the new financial regime following the global financial crisis, this book examines in depth how corporate governance in bank institutions is legitimized, justified, and delivered in diversified financial models and their influences on the Chinese banking industry. By combining this type of financial model analysis with the new institutionalism theory, the book lifts the mysterious veil from corporate governance in Chinese banking institutions with regard to its establishment and constant changes. Through a kaleidoscope lens and by conducting a "layer by layer" diagnosis, the book tells the "background stories" of the complex settings for Chinese financial institutions, asks and answers the paradigmatic question of for whom banks are actually run and governed, and mind-maps the main corporate governance mechanisms and practices prevalent in Chinese banks.
Springer Nature
Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector in China.