Intro; Preface; Lean Thinking for Sustainable Development; References; Contents; Lean Thinking: A Transversal and Global Management Philosophy to Achieve Sustainability Benefits; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 3 Research Methodology; 4 Results Presentation and Analysis; 4.1 Case Studies and Surveys Characterization; 4.2 Transversality of Lean Implementations; 4.3 Geographical Coverage of Lean Implementations; 4.4 Scope of Lean Implementations; 4.5 Benefits; 5 Discussion; 6 Conclusions; References; Lean Thinking as a Learning Strategy at the Service of Global Development; 1 Introduction
2 Organization Management and Paradoxes2.1 Representations of the Paradox Influencing the Modalities of Its Regulation; 2.2 Qualify Organizational Paradoxes; 2.3 Manage the Paradoxes; 2.4 The New Role of Middle Managers in Managing Paradoxes and Positioning Research Around Problem Solving Learning; 3 The Lean Thinking as a Strategy for Organizational Learning; 3.1 Formulation of Specific Problem to Learning Problem Solving; 3.2 Formulation of the Problem Model; 3.3 The Lean Thinking: A Better Organic Strategy for Learning (Pull Mode); 4 Experimentations of PSP Model (Problem Solving Pull)
2.2 Developing an Academic Culture Conducive to Achieving Pedagogical Goals2.3 Aligning Educator Objectives with Career Preparedness; 2.4 Teaching Methodologies; 3 The Sustainable Lean Model; 3.1 Conceptual Basis-The Conflict Between a Perfect Operational System and Perfect People System; 3.2 The Model; 3.3 Module 1; 3.4 Module 2; 3.5 Module 3; 3.6 Module 4; 4 Dissemination of the Sustainable Lean Model-Courses; 4.1 IE 427 Introduction to Lean Systems; 4.2 IE 517 Reliability of Lean Systems; 4.3 IE 527 Lean Production Systems; 4.4 IE 531 Systems Thinking and Modeling
4.1 Individual Problem Case of Components Replenishment4.2 Collective Problem Case of Management of Measuring Devices at a Subcontractor of Aeronautics; 5 Conclusions and Involvement of Sustainable Development Goals; References; Teaching Sustainable Lean: The Next Step Towards Inculcating a Critical Problem-Solving Mindset; 1 Critical Problem-Solving as an Educational Goal; 2 Pedagogical Basis of Teaching Critical Problem-Solving; 2.1 The Relationship Between Education, Career Building, and an Individual's Quality of Life
4.5 IE 532 Systems Based Requirements Engineering5 Dissemination of the Sustainable Lean Model-Programs; 5.1 Lean Enterprise Systems Summer Program (LESSP); 5.2 Onsite Master's Program; 5.3 Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program; 6 Discussion; References; Ergonomic Analysis in Lean Manufacturing and Industry 4.0-A Systematic Review; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Background; 2 Research Design; 3 Results of the Descriptive Analysis; 4 Results of the Thematic Analysis; 4.1 Health Effects in a Lean Environment; 4.2 The Integration of Ergonomic Aspects During Lean Implementation
This edited book discusses lean production as a suitable platform for global development by developing systems and products in a quicker, costless and sustainable way and educate people for a lean consumption. Lean thinking principles are totally and synergistically aligned with a lot of disciplines and current issues such as logistic, supply chain, construction, healthcare, ergonomics, education, project management, leadership, coaching, startup, product development, farming and sustainable development. Lean-Green is particularly related to this last issue, sustainable development, the first global challenge for humanity that are totally connected to all remaining 14 global challenges because they are interdependent. Attaining these challenges could bring solutions for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Lean Production and Consumption have an important role in providing these solutions, by systematically reducing wastes in all activities performed, and at the same time, instruct people in having a lean consumption. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in lean management, but the book may also be beneficial for practitioners alike.