Signs of transcendence and couleur locale. Of Spain and sin : a glance at Wolf's Spanisches Liederbuch / Susan Youens ; From paganism to orthodoxy to theosophy : reflections of other worlds in the piano music of Rachmaninov and Scriabin / Anatole Leikin -- Lifting the secular veil. A sermon for fishes in a secular age : on the scherzo movement of Mahler's second symphony / Magnar Breivik ; Music, religious experience, and transcendence in Ben Jonson's Masque of beautie : a case study in collaborative form / Anthony Johnson ; The truth ineffably divine : the loss and recovery of the sacred in Richard Wagner's Parsifal / Robert A. Davis -- Temptation, death, and resurrection. Eschatological aspects in music : The dream of Gerontius by Edward Elgar / Eva Maria Jensen ; Wordless songs of love, glory, and resurrection : Musical emblems of the holy in Hindemith's saints / Siglind Bruhn ; The passion according to Penderecki / Danuta Mirka -- The divine breath of worldly music. Spiritual descents and ascents : religious implications in pronounced motion to the subdominant and beyond / Chandler Carter ; Time and divine providence in Mozart's music / Nils Holger Petersen -- Music and the ineffable / Eyolf Østrem.
Annotation Music scholars primarily from northern and eastern Europe, but also western Europe and the US, draw on case studies that transcend a music-analytical approach in the direction of the hermeneutic perspective, to explore how musical language in itself, independently of the explicitly sacred context, conveys the ineffable. They focus on the musical means and devices employed, and what the presence of religious messages in certain secular music reveals about the spirituality of various eras from the Middles Ages to the present. The 11 essays are not indexed. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.