Gender equality issues in the medical education experience of final year medical students in Israel and the implications for educational managers
Abramovitz, Ruth
University of Leicester
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Although women are half of the medical students' population, they may have, different values than men and may be faced with organizational constraints in their medical schools and barriers to their career once they graduate. The general aim of this study is to highlight the question of gender equality in the educational process and the implications for educational managers arising from this issue. The specific objectives of the study are to identify male and female medical students personal values, experiences with regard to the curriculum, career's preparation, mentoring and abuse during the medical education and gender effect after graduation. The research tries to suggest ways in which educational managers can address possible gender inequality. The research is carried out in two phases. The first phase is a survey of a sample of final-year medical students from three and of four medical schools in Israel. In the second phase, a case study of one of the medical schools is carried out. Interviews with students and faculty members provide data to triangulate and illuminate the findings of the survey. Documentary analysis of the school's official prospectus enables further triangulation. Based on the findings, the conclusions are that although women and men medical students tend to differ in their career goals, they are similar in other values. Yet, women medical students are discriminated against to some extend with regard to school experiences such as career's preparation, and student abuse. Surprisingly more men students than women complain on discrimination. Other gender differences are apparent with regard to career choices and opportunities. It appears that a culture of 'gender blindness' is prevalent at medical faculties. The recommendations are that just to wait for the 'critical mass' effect is not enough and educational managers should try to address barriers faced by female students.