Closing the cultural gap: A study of successful integration of Western teachers into Emirati school culture
Sandra Vonderlind
Adams, Alyson
University of Florida
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-339-66243-5
University of Florida
The Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC), the equivalent of a school district administrator in the U.S. context, is in the middle of a transformative school reform process to change the quality of teaching and learning in the public schools in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The primary objectives of this long-term reform initiative are to develop dual language proficiency in both Arabic and English for Emirati students and to change the curriculum and instruction of teaching from a teacher-centered to a studentcentered learning model. A key element in this reform is the recruitment of Western teachers to teach English, mathematics and science. While this reform is sincere in its mission and long-term objectives, its immediate implementation creates challenges regarding the assimilation of these newly introduced Western teachers into Emirati schools within an Arab culture.
Social sciences;Education;Abu Dhabi Education Council recruitment/placement;Emirati culture;Intercultural communications;Multicultural school setting;School reform;Teacher training