International Archives of the History of Ideas / Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Idées, 156.
1: An Intellectual Biography --; 1.1. Spiritual and Intellectual Formation (1765-1789) --; 1.2. The English Experience (1789-1791) --; 1.3. The Years in Jassy, Work in the College of Foreign Affairs and Publicist Activity (1791-1811) --; 1.4. Appointment as First Director of the Tsarskoe Selo Lycée (1811-1814) --; 2: The Peace Thinker --; 2.1. Malinovskii's major work: Dissertation on Peace and War --; 2.2. The national context: speculation on peace in the Russian tradition --; 2.3. Malinovskii's peace project and the European models --; 3: The Social Reformer --; 3.1. Malinovskii as a social thinker --; 3.2. The peasant question in Malinovskii's system of ideas and in the contemporary debate --; 3.3. An analysis of four works --; 3.4. Agriculture or manufactures? Malinovskii's translation of Hamilton's Report --; 4: The Pedagogue --; 4.1. The Tsarskoe Selo Lycée --; 4.2. Malinovskii at Tsarskoe Selo --; Conclusions.
This is the first extensive study devoted to Vasilii Malinovskii, one of the most significant figures in the history of Russian thought. He was one of the first supporters of abolition of serfdom in Russia. In his capacity as Director, Malinovskii contributed in a fundamental way to the establishment of the liberal atmosphere characterizing The Tsarskoe Selo Lycée, where Aleksandr Pushkin and some of the Decembrists were educated. His major work, Dissertation on Peace and War (1803), contains a plan for the establishment of peace in Europe which was the only project of this sort to appear in Russia. At a time when Napoleonic wars were deeply transforming the previous status quo, he proposed to redesign the geopolitical map of Europe regrouping its states on the basis of rational, ethno-linguistic criteria. A General Council empowered to deliberate on conflicts among them was to guarantee a permanent peace.