Foreword / Gary B. Swofford --;Preface / Ahmad Faruqui and Kelly Eakin --;Sect. I. The Restructured Organization --;1. Profiling the Critical Role of the New Pricing Organization / Mike O'Sheasy and Robert Camfield --;2. Pricing Generation Supplier Coordination Obligations: The New Service of the Investor Owned Electric Delivery Service Company / George P. Pleat --;3. Restructuring the Electric Enterprise: Simulating the Evolution of the Electric Power Industry with Intelligent Adaptive Agents / Massoud Amin --;4. Electricity Restructuring in Practice / Richard L. Gordon --;Sect. II. Competitive Pricing --;5. Challenges in Designing Default Retail Electric Service: What Regulated Retail Services Should Be Available Following Restructuring / John L. Jurewitz --;6. Energy Markets and Capacity Values: How Complex Should Pricing Be? / Robert J. Michaels --;7. How to Make Power Markets Competitive / Samuel A. Van Vactor and Seth A. Blumsack --;8. Is Market Based Pricing a Form of Price Discrimination? / Kelly Eakin and Ahmad Faruqui --;9. Use of Market Research in a Competitive Environment / Michael V. Williams and Ziyad A. Awad --;Sect. III. Demand Response and Product Design --;10. Price Responsive Electric Demand: A National Necessity, Not an Option / Romkaew Broehm and Peter Fox-Penner --;11. Price-Responsive Load Among Mass-Market Customers / Daniel M. Violette --;12. RTP Customer Demand Response: Empirical Evidence on How Much Can You Expect / Steven D. Braithwait and Mike O'Sheasy --;13. Negawatt Pricing: Why Now is the Time in Competitive Electricity Markets / Fereidoon P. Sioshansi --;14. Innovative Retail Pricing: A Pacific Northwest Case Study / Allan Chung, Jeff Lam and William E. Hamilton --;15. Self-Designed Electricity Products / Robert Camfield, David Glyer and John Kalfayan --;Sect. IV. The California Experience --;16. The California Electricity Manifesto: Choices Made and Opportunities Lost / Carl Danner, James Ratliff and David Teece --;17. California's Energy Crisis: What's Going On, Who's to Blame and What to Do / Jerry Taylor and Peter VanDoren --;18. Empirical Evidence of Strategic Bidding in the California ISO Real-Time Market / Anjali Sheffrin --;19. Energy Modeling Forum Conference: Retail Participation in Competitive Power Markets / Elizabeth Farrow --;Sect. V. Markets and Regulation --;20. Market-Based U.S. Electricity Prices: A Multi-Model Evaluation / Hillard G. Huntington --;21. The Essential Role of Earnings Sharing in the Design of Successful Performance-Based Regulation Programs / Karl A. McDermott and Carl R. Peterson --;22. How Transmission Affects Market Power in Reserve Services / Laurence D. Kirsch --;23. RTP and Demand Side Participation in Restructured Electricity Market / Robert H. Patrick and Frank S. Wolak.
Electric utilities -- Deregulation -- United States.