Children with special needs. -- Cognitive impairments and cultural-historical practices for learning : children with cerebral palsy in school / Louise Bøttcher -- The challenge of using multiple methods to gather the views of children / Jill Porter -- Failing to learn or learning to fail? : the case of young writers / Ros Fisher -- Educational psychological pedagogical practice. -- Cooperation between professionals in educational psychology -- children's specific problems are connected to general dilemmas in relation to taking part / Charlotte Højholt -- Supporting children and schools : a development and practice-centred approach for professional practice and research / Mariane Hedegaard and Seth Chaiklin -- Developing educational psychological consultative practice in schools framed within cultural-historical theory of child development / Christine Vassing -- Change and development in the professional practice of educational psychologists in the UK / Jane Leadbetter -- Support that transcends borders. -- Support for children and schools through cultural intervention / Harry Daniels -- Relational agency in collaborations for the well-being of children and young people / Anne Edwards -- Diverse needs, different provision : how differences in preschool settings support children to learn how to be learners / Jan Georgeson -- Young people not in education, employment or training / Geoff Hayward
Vygotskiĭ, L. S., (Lev Semenovich),1896-1934-- Criticism and interpretation