Introduction: Explaining the EU Political System ---- Part I: Government . Executive Politics --- Legislative Politics --- Judicial Politics ---- Part II: Politics. Public Opinion and Political Cleavages --- Parties, Elections and EU Democracy --- Interest Representation ---- Part III: Policy-Making. Regulation of the Single --- Market --- Redistributive Policies --- Economic and Monetary Union --- Citizen Freedom and Security --- Politics --- Global Policies ---- Conclusion: Rethinking the European Union
The Political System of the European Union sets out an innovative way of analyzing, researching and teaching the European Union. Starting from the observation that the EU now possesses many of the attributes of modern political systems, Hix and Høyland argue that we should use the general theories of political science to help understand how the EU works. For each of the main processes in the EU political system -- executive, legislative and judicial politics, public opinion, interest groups and democracy, and regulatory, monetary and foreign policies -- the book introduces the key political science tools, reviews the relevant theories, and applies the knowledge in detailed descriptive analysis. -- Back cover