Includes bibliographical references (pages 393-409) and index
Contents note continued: Analytical Working Range -- Sample Throughput -- Interferences -- Usability -- Cost of Ownership -- Summing Up -- Evaluation Objectives -- Analytical Performance -- Detection Capability -- Precision -- Isotope Ratio Precision -- Accuracy -- Dynamic Range -- Interference Reduction -- Reduction of Matrix-Induced Interferences -- Sample Throughput -- Transient Signal Capability -- Single-Particle ICP-MS Transient Signals -- Usability Aspects -- Ease of Use -- Routine Maintenance -- Compatibility with Alternative Sampling Accessories -- Installation of Instrument -- Technical Support -- Training -- Reliability Issues -- Service Support -- Financial Considerations -- Evaluation Process: A Summary
Contents note continued: Calibration -- Stability -- Geochemical -- Determination of Rare Earth Elements -- Analysis of Digested Rock Samples Using Flow Injection (FI) -- Geochemical Prospecting -- Isotope Ratio Studies -- Laser Ablation -- Semiconductor -- Nuclear -- Applications Related to the Production of Nuclear Materials -- Applications in the Characterization of High-Level Nuclear Waste -- Applications Involving the Monitoring of the Nuclear Industry's Impact on the Environment -- Applications Involving Human Health Studies -- Other Applications -- Metallurgical Applications -- Petrochemical and Organic-Based Samples -- Food and Agriculture -- Pharmaceutical -- Summing Up -- Analysis of Power Plant Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters (FGDW) -- Draft of U.S. EPA ICP-MS Standard Operating Procedure for FGDW Samples -- Method of Sample Preparation -- Instrument Parameters -- Proposed U.S. EPA FGDW Methodology --
Contents note continued: Channel Electron Multiplier -- Faraday Cup -- Discrete Dynode Electron Multiplier -- Extending the Dynamic Range -- Filtering the Ion Beam -- Using Two Detectors -- Using Two Scans with One Detector -- Using One Scan with One Detector -- Extending the Dynamic Range Using Pulse-Only Mode -- Simultaneous Array Detectors -- Measurement Variables -- Measurement Protocol -- Optimization of Measurement Protocol -- Multielement Data Quality Objectives -- Data Quality Objectives for Single-Particle ICP-MS Studies -- Quantitative Analysis -- External Standardization -- Standard Additions -- Addition Calibration -- Semiquantitative Analysis -- Isotope Dilution -- Isotope Ratios -- Internal Standardization -- Spectral Interferences -- Oxides, Hydroxides, Hydrides, and Doubly Charged Species -- Isobaric Interferences -- Ways to Compensate for Spectral Interferences -- Mathematical Correction Equations -- Cool/Cold Plasma Technology -- Collision/Reaction Cells --
Contents note continued: Electrothermal Vaporization -- Chilled Spray Chambers and Desolvation Devices -- Water-Cooled and Peltier-Cooled Spray Chambers -- Ultrasonic Nebulizers -- Specialized Microflow Nebulizers with Desolvation Techniques -- Direct Injection Nebulizers (DIN) -- Enhanced Productivity Sampling Systems -- Faster Analysis Times -- Automated Inline Autodilution and Autocalibration -- Automated Inline Chemistry Methods -- HPLC Coupled with ICP-MS -- Chromatographic Separation Requirements -- Ion Exchange Chromatography (IEC) -- Reversed-Phase Ion Pair Chromatography (RP-IPC) -- Column Material -- Isocratic or Gradient Elution -- Sample Introduction Requirements -- Optimization of ICP-MS Parameters -- Compatibility with Organic Solvents -- Collision/Reaction Cell or Interface Capability -- Optimization of Peak Measurement Protocol -- Full Software Control and Integration -- Summing Up -- Environmental -- Biomedical -- Sample Preparation -- Interference Corrections --
Contents note continued: High-Resolution Mass Analyzers -- Matrix Interferences -- Compensation Using Internal Standardization -- Space-Charge-Induced Matrix Interferences -- Collecting the Sample -- Preparing the Sample -- Grinding the Sample -- Sample Dissolution Methods -- Choice of Reagents and Standards -- Vessels, Containers, and Sample Preparation Equipment -- The Environment -- The Analyst -- Instrument and Methodology -- Sample Introduction System -- Peristaltic Pump Tubing -- Nebulizers -- Spray Chamber -- Plasma Torch -- Interface Region -- Ion Optics -- Roughing Pumps -- Air Filters -- Other Components to Be Periodically Checked -- The Detector -- Turbomolecular Pumps -- Mass Analyzer and Collision/Reaction Cell -- Summing Up -- Laser Ablation -- Commercial Systems for ICP-MS -- Excimer Lasers -- Benefits of Laser Ablation for ICP-MS -- Optimum Laser Design Based on Application Requirements -- 193-nm ArF Laser Technology -- Flow Injection Analysis --
Contents note continued: Multielement Analysis of Seawater Using Automated Inline Chemistry Procedures -- Analytical Methodology -- Sample Preparation -- ICP-MS Instrumental Parameters -- seaFAST 3 Modes of Operation -- Results -- Characterization of Nanoparticles by ICP-MS -- Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs) -- Potential for Environmental Impact -- Analytical Methodologies -- Single Particle ICP-MS Studies -- Optimized Measurement Protocol -- Field Flow Fractionation (FFF) Coupled with ICP-MS -- FFF Coupled with ICP-MS -- Particle Size Reference Standards -- Calibration Strategies -- Recovery -- Flame Atomic Absorption -- Electrothermal Atomization (ETA) -- Radial-View ICP Optical Emission -- Axial-View ICP Optical Emission -- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry -- Define the Objective -- Establish Performance Criteria -- Define the Application Task -- Application -- Installation -- User -- Financial -- Comparison of Techniques -- Detection Limits --
Contents note continued: Other Benefits of Magnetic Sector Instruments -- Simultaneous Measurement Approach Using One Detector -- Summing Up -- Basic Principles of Time-of-Flight (TOF) Technology -- Commercial Designs -- Differences between Orthogonal and On-Axis TOF -- Benefits of TOF Technology for ICP-MS -- Rapid Transient Peak Analysis -- Improved Precision -- Rapid Data Acquisition -- Basic Principles of Collision/Reaction Cells -- Different Collision/Reaction Cell Approaches -- Collisional Mechanisms Using Nonreactive Gases and KED -- Reaction Mechanisms with Highly Reactive Gases and Discrimination by Selective Bandpass Mass Filtering -- Dynamic Reaction Cell -- Low Mass Cut-Off Collision/Reaction Cell -- "Triple Quadrupole" Collision/Reaction Cell -- MS Mode -- MS/MS Mode -- On-Mass MS/MS Mode -- Mass-Shift MS/MS Mode -- The Collision/Reaction Interface -- Using Reaction Mechanisms in a Collision Cell -- The "Universal" Cell -- Detection Limit Comparison -- Summing Up --
Machine generated contents note: Principles of Operation -- Ion Formation -- Natural Isotopes -- Aerosol Generation -- Droplet Selection -- Nebulizers -- Concentric Design -- Cross-Flow Design -- Microflow Design -- Spray Chambers -- Double-Pass Spray Chamber -- Cyclonic Spray Chamber -- Aerosol Dilution -- The Plasma Torch -- Formation of an ICP Discharge -- The Function of the RF Generator -- Ionization of the Sample -- Capacitive Coupling -- Ion Kinetic Energy -- Benefits of a Well-Designed Interface -- Role of the Ion Optics -- Dynamics of Ion Flow -- Commercial Ion Optic Designs -- Quadrupole Technology -- Basic Principles of Operation -- Quadrupole Performance Criteria -- Resolution -- Abundance Sensitivity -- Benefit of Good Abundance Sensitivity -- Magnetic Sector Mass Spectroscopy: A Historical Perspective -- Use of Magnetic Sector Technology for ICP-MS -- Principles of Operation of Magnetic Sector Technology -- Resolving Power --
"Presenting an in-depth discussion of the fundamental principles, analytical advantages, and practical capabilities of ICP-MS, this volume offers key concepts in a reader-friendly format suitable for those with limited knowledge of the technique. Written by an insider with more than 20 years experience in product development, customer support, and technical marketing for an ICP-MS instrument vendor, the book highlights this powerful ultra trace-element technique as a practical solution to real-world problems. The new edition has been updated and revised to cover new developments and updates to existing applications and reflects the significant new technology introduced by vendors since the second edition published"--