Introduction / John A. Bargh -- What is automaticity? An analysis of its component features and their interrelations / Agnes Moors and Jan De Houwer -- Effects of priming and perception on social behavior and goal pursuit / Ap Dijksterhuis, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Henk Aarts -- Automaticity in close relationships / Serena Chen, Gràinne M. Fitzsimons, and Susan M. Andersen -- On the automaticity of emotion / Lisa Feldman Barrett, Kevin N. Ochsner, and James J. Gross -- The automaticity of emotion / Melissa J. Ferguson -- The implicit association test at age 7: a methodological and conceptual review / Brian A. Nosek, Anthony G. Greenwald, and Mahzarin R. Banaji -- Automatic and controlled components of social cognition: a process dissociation approach / B. Keith Payne and Brandon D. Stewart