/ Essays by: Robert K. Merton [and others] With an introd. by Tom Bottomore and an epilogue by E. Digby Baltzell
, [1972].
231 p.
: 24 cm
"An American journal of sociology publication."
Appeared also as v. 78, no. 1 (July 1972) of the American journal of sociology
Includes bibliographies
Merton, R. K. Insiders and outsiders: a chapter in the sociology of knowledge.--Becker, H. S. and Horowitz, I. L. Radical politics and sociological research: observations on methodology and ideology.--Lipset, S. M. and Ladd, E. C., Jr. The politics of American sociologists.--Janowitz, M. Professionalization of sociology.--Rhoads, J. K. On Gouldner's Crisis of western sociology.--Dibble, V. K. Political judgments and the perception of social relationships: an analysis of some applied social research in late 19th-century Germany.-- Coser, L. A. Marxist thought in the first quarter of the 20th century.--Nelson, B. Review essay: Science, technology and society in seventeenth-century England, by Robert K. Merton