Technology everywhere: a campus agenda for educating and managing workers in the digital age
/ Brian L. Hawkins, Julia A. Rudy, William H. Wallace, Jr., editors
San Francisco
: Jossey-Bass
, 2002 = 1381.
xxix، ۱۴۶ ص.
مصور، جدول
(leadership strategies ;no. 6)
The supply of IT workers in the United States / William Aspray, Peter A. Freeman -- Information technology jobs and standards / Neil Evans -- IT fluency : what is it, and why do we need it? / Herbert S. Lin -- Campus human resource leadership : a mandate for change / Lauren A. Turner, Susan Perry -- Recruiting, retaining, and reskilling campus IT professionals / Allison F. Dolan -- Technology across the curriculum : information, literacy, and IT fluency / Anne Scrivener Agee, John G. Zenelis -- Economic development partnerships to close the gap / Annie Hunt Burgiss, William H. Wallace, Jr. -- Leadership challenges for the campus and the profession / Brian L. Hawkins, Deanna B. Marcum.