S1. Three monsters in Khotan / R. E. Emmerick / ) ST. IR, 1977, 65-74 (.-- 2. The cpnfession of acts / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Varia 1976 )= Acta Iranica 12(, Leiden, Teheran / Liege 1977. 87-115 (.-- 3. Ravigupta's place in India medical tradition / R. E. Emmerick / ) Indologica Taurinesia, III-IV, 1975-76, Torino, 1977, 220-221 (.-- 4. A. J. van Windekens, Le Tokharien confronte avec les autres langues indoeuropeennes, vol1. Lovain 1976 / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: BSOAS, XL/2, 1977, 402-404 (.-- 5. Elai Bama / R. E. Emmerick / ) MSS, 40, 1981, 27-33 (.--6. The consonant phonemes of Khotanese / R. E. Emmerick / ) Acta iranica, 21, 1981, 209 (.-- 7. Hoernle and the Jivaka-Pustaka / R. E. Emmerick / ) BSOAS, XLV. 2, 1982, 343 (.-- 8. khotanese nuvata / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Indological and Buddhist Studies, volume in honour of Perofessor J. W. Jong on his sixtieth birthday, ed. L. A. Hercus F. B. J. Kuiper, T. Rajapatirana, and E. R. Skrzypcak, Canberra 1982, 137-147 (.--9. A stanza from the verses of Praince Tcum-ttehi:' / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Societies and Languages of the Ancient Near East Studies in honour of I. M. A. Dandamayev et al., Warminster 1982, 62-63 (.--10. The case against sun-' / R. E. Emmerick / If, 86, 1981 ]1982[, 212-222 (.-- 11. The Iranian settlements to the East of the Pamirs / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol.3)1(, ed. E. Yarshater, Cambridge 1983. 263-275 (.--12. Buddhism among Iranian peoples'. ) In: The Cambridge History of Iran, vol.3)2(, ed. E. Yarshater, Cambridge 1983, 949-964 (.-- 13. Some remarks on translation techniques of the khotanese / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Sprachen des Buddhismus In Zentralasien, Vortrage des Hamburger Symposions vom2. Juli bis 5. Juli 1981, ed. K. Rohrborn and W. Veenker, Wiesbaden 1983, 17-26 (.--14. Some more loanwords in Khotanese / R. E. Emmerick / ) Die Sprache, 29/1, 1983, 43-49 (.--15. Some lexical items forme the Siddhasara / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Contributions on Tibetan Language, history and cultrue, proceedings of the Csoma de Koros symposium held at Velm -Vienna Austria, 13-19 September 1981, ed. E. Steinkellner and H. Tauscher, Vol.1, Wien 1983. 61-68 (.-- 16. Newly - discovered Buddhist texts from khotan / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: proceedings of Thirty-first International Congress of human Sciences in Asia and North Africa Tokyo-kyoto 3last August - 7th september 1983, ed. Yamamoto Tatsuro, Tokyo 1984, Vol. 1, 219-220 (.--17. Research on Khotanese: a survey ) 1979-1982( / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Middle Iranian Studies. Proceedings of the International Symposium Organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th May 1982, ed. W. Skalmowski and a. Van Tongerloo, Leuven 1984, 127-145 (.--18. Khotanese viha / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Orientalia J. Duchesne - Guillemin emerito oblata )= Acta Iranica 23(, 1984, 151-155 (.--19. The indexation of Sanskrit medical texts: Prospects / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Proceedings of the international workshop on priorities in the study of indian medicine held at the State University of Groningen 23-27 October 1983, ed. G. J. Meulenbeld, Groningen 1984. 147-154 (.--20. Tibetan lexical notes / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Tibetan and Buddhist studies commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Alexander de Koris, ed. L. Ligeti, vol.1, budapest1984, 207-210 (.--21. A new Khotanese cocument form china / R. E. Emmerick / ) ST. IR. 13/2, 1984, 193-198 (.--22. Ca tteya khi in Musee Guimet / R. E. Emmerick / ) ST. IR. 13/2, 1984. 251-252 (.--23. Ein Mannlein steht im Walde / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Papers in honourof Professor Mary Boyce )= Acta Iranica 24(, 1985, 179-184 (.--24. Khotanese baljse ) Resumee ( / R. E. Emmerick / ) ZDMG, Supplement VI, Stuttgart 1985, 225(.--25. Khotanese baljse / R. E. Emmerick / ) MSS 45 )= Festgabe fur Karl Hoffmann Teil II(, 1985, 39-53 (.--26. Auxiliaries In Khotanese / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: Historical Development of Auxiliaries, ed. M. Harris and P. Ramat )= Trends in Linguistics, studies and Monographs 35(, Berlin / New Yourk / Amsterdam, 1987. 271-290 (.--27. Tibetan nor-ra-re / R. E. Emmerick / ) BSOAS, LI.3, 1988,537-539 (.--28. Some verses from the Lankavatarasuta In Khotanese / R. E. Emmerick / ) In: A green leaf, papeers in honour of Professor jes P. Asmussen )= Acta Iranica 28(, Leiden 1988, 125-153 (
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عنوان قراردادي
#Opera minora )32(
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )