Evangelical ecclesiology describes the relation between the gospel and the church, and in particular the way in which the grace of the triune God constitutes the church as the communion of saints. Consequently: (1) The doctrine of the church is shaped by an account of the perfection of God, i.e. the sufficiency and fullness of God's being and act. This perfection is not inclusive (as in some communion ecclesiologies), but is to be thought of as a movement of grace in which God determines himself for fellowship with his creatures. (2) The visibility of the church (pervasive in modern ecclesiology) is properly a spiritual visibility, which the church has by virtue of the Spirit's act. The primary visible acts of the church are its attestations of the presence and action of God. Evangelical ecclesiology describes the relation between the gospel and the church, and in particular the way in which the grace of the triune God constitutes the church as the communion of saints. Consequently: (1) The doctrine of the church is shaped by an account of the perfection of God, i.e. the sufficiency and fullness of God's being and act. This perfection is not inclusive (as in some communion ecclesiologies), but is to be thought of as a movement of grace in which God determines himself for fellowship with his creatures. (2) The visibility of the church (pervasive in modern ecclesiology) is properly a spiritual visibility, which the church has by virtue of the Spirit's act. The primary visible acts of the church are its attestations of the presence and action of God.
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