یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Part I: The School Psychologist as a Problem Solver: Establishing a Foundation and a Vision. Ervin, Peacock, Merrell, The School Psychologist as a Problem Solver in the 21st Century: Rationale and Role Definition. Hawkins, Barnett, Morrison, Musti-Rao, Choosing Targets for Assessment and Intervention: Improving Important Student Outcomes. Part II: Assessment and Analysis: Focus on Academic Outcomes. VanDerHeyden, Analysis of Universal Academic Data to Plan, Implement, and Evaluate Schoolwide Improvement. Floyd, Assessment of Cognitive Abilities and Cognitive Processes: Issues, Applications, and Fit within a Problem-solving Model: Focusing on Academic Achievement. Marcotte, Hintze, Assessment of Academic Skills in Reading within a Problem-solving Model. Burns, Klingbeil, Assessment of Academic Skills in Math within a Problem-solving Model. Gansle, Noell, Assessment of Academic Skills in Written Expression within a Problem-solving Model. Daly III, Hofstadter, Martinez, Andersen, Selecting Academic Interventions for Individual Students. Part III: Assessment and Analysis: Focus on Social Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes. McIntosh, Reinke, Herman, Schoolwide Analysis of Data for Social Behavior Problems: Assessing Outcomes, Selecting Targets for Intervention, and Identifying Need for Support. Martens, Ardoin, Assessing Disruptive Behavior within a Problem-solving Model. Miller, Assessing Internalizing Problems and Well-being. Jones, Wickstrom, Using Functional Assessment to Select Behavioral Interventions. Part IV: Implementing Prevention and Intervention Strategies. Stoiber, DeSmet, Guidelines for Evidence-based Practice in Selecting Interventions. Howell, Schumann, Proactive Strategies for Promoting Learning. Merrell, Levitt, Gueldner, Proactive Strategies for Promoting Social Competence and Resilience. Linan-Thompson, Vaughn, Evidence-based Reading Instruction: Developing and Implementing Reading Programs at the Core, Supplemental, and Intervention Levels. Chard, Ketterlin-Geller, Jungjohann, Baker, Evidence-based Math Instruction: Developing and Implementing Math Intervention Programs at the Core, Supplemental, and Intervention Levels. McCurdy, Schmitz, Albertson, Evidence-based Written Language Instruction: Teaching Written Language Skills at the Core. MacKay, Andreou, Ervin, Peer-mediated Intervention Strategies. Hoff, Sawka-Miller, Self-management Interventions. Gilbertson, Sonnek, Interventions for Homework Problems. Detrich, Higbee, Teaching Functional Life Skills to Children with Developmental Disabilities: Acquisition, Generalization, and Maintenance. Friman, Volz, Haugen, Parents and School Psychologists as Child Behavior Problem-solving Partners: Helpful Concepts and Applications. Shriver, Allen, Parent Training: Working with Families to Develop and Implement Interventions. Bushman, Peacock, Problem-solving Skills Training: Theory and Practice in the School Setting. Swearer, Givens, Frerichs, Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Depression and Anxiety. Kern, Benson, Clemens, Strategies for Working with Severe Challenging and Violent Behavior. DuPaul, Weyandt, Booster, Psychopharmacological Interventions. Part V: Evaluating Interventions. Daly III, Barnett, Kupzyk, Hofstadter, Barkley, Summarizing, Evaluating, and Drawing Inferences from Intervention Data. Noell, Empirical and Pragmatic Issues in Assessing and Supporting Intervention Implementation in Schools. Part VI: Building Systems to Support the Problem-solving Model. Sheridan, Magee, Blevins, Swanger-Gagne, Collaboration across Systems to Support Children and Families. Alsop, Dawson, Schaughency, The School Psychologist's Role in Assisting School Staff in Establishing Systems to Manage, Understand, and Use Data. Rhodes, Implementing the Problem-solving Model with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Tilly III, Niebling, Rahn-Blakeslee, Making Problem-solving School Psychology Work in Schools.