یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
PART I: WHAT IS THEORY?: A: THEORY IS EXPLANATION: Explanation in the social sciences / George C. Homans -- B: MOTIVES AND MECHANISMS: Types of social action / Max Weber -- PART II: SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM OF THE SOCIAL ORDER: C: THE PROBLEM OS SOCIAL ORDER: The moral basis of a backward society / Edward C. Banfield -- D: MEANING: The problem of consciousness / Karl Marx -- The origin of beliefs / Emile Durkheim -- Genesis and development of a scientific fact / Ludwik Fleck -- Play, the game, and the generalized order / George Herbert Mead -- Meanings of violencee / Dov Cohen and Joe Vandello -- E: VALUES AND NORMS: Civilization and its discontents / Sigmund Freud -- Egoistic suicide / Emile Durkheim -- Anomic suicide / Emile Durkheim -- Explaining the emergence of norms / Christine Horne -- Behavior in public places / Erving Goffman -- Altruistic punishment in humans / Ernst Fehr and Simon Gaachter -- F: POWER AND AUTHORITY: Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- The origin of the states / Friedrich Engels -- The types of legitimate domination / Max Weber -- Learning to labor / Paul Willis == G: SPONTANEOUS ORDER: Cosmos and taxis / Friedrich A. Hayek -- Micromotives and macrobehavior / Thomas C. Schelling -- The division of labor / Adam Smith -- The evolution of cooperation / Robert Axelrod -- The live-and-let-live system in trench warfare in World War I / Robert Axelrod -- H: GROUPS AND NETWORKS: The web of group-affiliations / Georg Simmel -- The strength of weak ties / Mark S. Granovetter -- Trust, cohesion, and the social order / Ernest Gellner -- Individualism and free institutions / Alexis de Tocqueville -- The attainment of social order in heterogenous societies / Michael Hechter, Debra Friedman, and Satoshi Kanazawa -- I: CONCLUSION.