Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Getting Started with WordPress and e-Commerce; Why WordPress; WordPress is free (as in money); WordPress is free (as in speech); WordPress is widely used; WordPress is flexible and extensible; About the WP e-Commerce plugin; Site and business possibilities; Photography shop; Music shop with digital downloads; Clothing shop; Accessory shop; WP e-Commerce feature overview; Organization and layout; Products and merchandising; Checkout and payments; Marketing tools; Test platform; Summary
متن يادداشت
Chapter 2: Getting Ready to SellInstalling the WP e-Commerce plugin; Installing from the WordPress Dashboard; Manual installation; Plugin activation; Installing third-party themes; Installing themes through the WordPress Dashboard; Uploading themes via FTP; Activating third-party themes; Enabling and disabling comments; Disabling comments globally; Disabling comments on individual posts and pages; Removing comment traces from your theme; Setting up a static front page; Using widgets; Creating text widgets; Complementary plugins; Akismet; All in One SEO Pack; Google XML Sitemaps; WP-DB-Backup
متن يادداشت
Pagination settingsComment Settings; Admin Settings; Digital downloads; Purchases; E-mail settings; URL Settings; Checkout settings; Summary; Chapter 4: Managing Your Product Catalog; Creating new products; Creating a new physical product; Creating a new digital product; Groups, categories, and tags; Groups and categories; Deleting categories and groups; Product Categories widget; Tags; Price and Stock Control; Variations; Advanced Options; Custom Meta; Merchant Notes; Personalisation Options; Summary; Chapter 5: User Accounts: Customers and Staff; Enabling user registrations
متن يادداشت
Understanding WordPress rolesAdministrator; Editor; Author; Contributor; Subscriber; Staff accounts; Creating staff users; Manual registration; Self-registration; Customer accounts; Creating a test customer account; Dealing with the WordPress Dashboard; Redirect customer logins with 'Peter's Login Redirect'; Dominate logins with 'Theme My Login'; Purchase history; Summary; Chapter 6: Checkout and Payment Setup; Planning the checkout process; Payment gateway versus merchant account; Integration and checkout seamlessness; Available payment gateways; Chronopay; Google Checkout
متن يادداشت
WP-PollsAdding a contact form; WordPress SpamFree contact form; Contact Form 7; cforms II; Adding a business blog; Summary; Chapter 3: Configure Your e-Commerce Settings; General Settings; Base Country/Region, Tax Settings, and Language; Default language; Currency Settings; Presentation Settings; Button Settings; Product Settings; Product Page Settings; Shopping Cart Settings; Cart Location; Use Sliding Cart; Display + Postage & Tax -- Product Group Settings; Show Product Group Description; Show Product Group Thumbnails; Show Product Count per Product Group; Thumbnail Settings
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بدون عنوان
بدون عنوان
بدون عنوان
بدون عنوان
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
یادداشتهای مربوط به سفارشات
منبع سفارش / آدرس اشتراک
Safari Books Online
شماره انبار
ویراست دیگر از اثر در قالب دیگر رسانه
Wordpress 2.9 e-commerce.
شماره استاندارد بين المللي کتاب و موسيقي
عنوان به منزله موضوع
موضوع مستند نشده
WordPress (Electronic resource)
موضوع مستند نشده
WordPress (Electronic resource)
موضوع مستند نشده
WordPress (Electronic resource)
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
Electronic commerce.
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Exports & Imports.
موضوع مستند نشده
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- International-- Marketing.
موضوع مستند نشده
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Marketing-- Multilevel.
موضوع مستند نشده
Electronic commerce.
موضوع مستند نشده
Electronic commerce.
مقوله موضوعی
موضوع مستند نشده
BUS-- 026000
موضوع مستند نشده
BUS-- 043030
موضوع مستند نشده
BUS-- 043040
رده بندی ديویی
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )