یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Positioning the editor: an introduction to difference and dialogue / J. Christopher Muran -- Toward the acceptance of human similarity and difference / Neil Altman -- Commentary: some reflections on racism and psychology / Louis A. Sass -- Commentary: Freud, Jung, or Fanon? The racial other on the couch / Lillian Comas-Díaz -- Reply: multiple perspectives on prejudice / Neil Altman -- How difference makes a difference / Beverly Greene -- Commentary: tapping the multiplicity of self-other relationships / Lewis Aron and Jenny Putnam -- Commentary: engaging the plurality of being / Adelbert H. Jenkins -- Reply: voices from the margins: the multiple identities of client, therapist, and theories / Beverly Greene -- Homosexuality and its vicissitudes / Jack Drescher -- Commentary: homosexuality: toward affirmative therapy / Marvin R. Goldfried and John E. Pachankis -- Commentary: holding the tension between constructionist and deconstructionist perspectives / Virginia Goldner -- Reply: Parler Foucault sans le savoir / Jack Drescher -- Gender, race, and invisibility in psychotherapy with African American men / Anderson J. Franklin -- Commentary: making invisibility visible: probing the interface between race and gender / Paul L. Wachtel -- Commentary: not either, but both: race and gender in psychotherapy with African American men / Lily D. McNair -- Reply: truth in advertising: therapeutic competence means undoing racism and sexism / Anderson J. Franklin -- Bridging the gap / Mabel E. Quiñones -- Commentary: the need to explicate culturally competent approaches with Latino clients / Kurt C. Organista -- Commentary: on describing the Latino experience / Rafael Art. Javier -- Reply: are we bridging the gap yet? A work in progress / Mabel E. Quiñones -- The inscrutable Doctor Wu / Philip S. Wong -- Commentary: mending the twain: Eastern inscrutability and therapeutic neutrality / Alan Roland -- Commentary: cultural and acculturative inscrutability of Asian American clients / Junko Tanaka-Matsumi -- Reply: Kant, Confucius, and Doctor Wu: integration or coexistence? / Philip S. Wong -- History, custom, and the twin towers: challenges in adapting psychotherapy to Middle Eastern culture in the United States / Annabella Bushra, Ali Khadivi, and Souha Frewat-Nikowitz -- Commentary: negotiating cultural difference and the therapeutic alliance / Michael J. Constantino and Kelly R. Wilson -- Commentary: a strengths-based approach to psychotherapy with Middle Eastern people / Pamela A. Hays -- Reply: parallel journeys: the anxiety of foreignness / Annabella Bushra, Ali Khadivi, and Souha Frewat-Nikowitze -- A relational turn on thick description / J. Christopher Muran -- Commentary: language, self, and diversity / Steven C. Hayes -- Commentary: on being in the thick of it / Kimberlyn Leary -- Reply: the power of/in language / J. Christopher Muran.
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
"Adherents to the various psychotherapeutic traditions all agree that the therapeutic relationship is actively shaped by the personal identities and needs of patient and therapist. Differences in race and culture as well as gender and sexuality are integral to this negotiation. In this series of creative essays arranged in eight "dialogues," clinicians wrestle with questions of personal identity as they apply to the therapeutic relationship. Each dialogue begins with an original contribution by a prominent clinician that includes a detailed discussion of the role of personal differences and how they may influence the negotiation of complex and difficult interactions such as impasses, alliance ruptures, and transference-countertransference enactments. Scholars with differing personal and professional backgrounds then question and build on these ideas, and in a final response, the clinician who initiated the dialogue provides a rich and thought-provoking synthesis"--Jacket.