4.2 Case Study-Seismocardiography Delineation to Extract Systolic Time Intervals5 Limitations and Future Prospective; 5.1 Local Pulses; 5.2 Whole-Body Signals; References; Time-Domain Analysis of the Electrocardiogram; 1 Introduction; 2 The ECG Signal and its Nature; 2.1 ECG Recordings; 2.2 ECG Fiducial Points; 2.3 The Challenges of ECG Analysis in the Time-Domain; 3 Types of Time-Domain Analysis; 3.1 ECG Preprocessing and Denoising Fiducial Point Extraction; 3.2 Signal Averaged ECG Versus Beat to Beat Analysis; 3.3 Heart Rate and Its Variability; 4 Methods and Clinical Use
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the state-of-the-art in cardiovascular computing and highlights novel directions and challenges in this constantly evolving multidisciplinary field. The topics covered span a wide range of methods and clinical applications of cardiovascular computing, including advanced technologies for the acquisition and analysis of signals and images, cardiovascular informatics, and mathematical and computational modeling.