5 Geomorphological and Geoarchaeological Evidence of the Medieval Deluge in the Tagliamento River (NE Italy)
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متن يادداشت
Intro; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Studies with Temporal Focus; 1 Global Megaflood Paleohydrology; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Historical and Philosophical Background; 1.2.1 Earliest History of Megaflood Paleohydrology; 1.2.2 The Spokane Flood Controversy; 1.3 Modern Methodologies; 1.3.1 Paleohydraulics; 1.3.2 Geochronology; 1.4 More Controversies; 1.4.1 Asian Megafloods; 1.4.2 Subglacial Megafloods; 1.5 Global Distribution of Megafloods; 1.5.1 Iceland; 1.5.2 Asia; 1.5.3 Europe; 1.5.4 North America; 1.5.5 South America; 1.5.6 Antarctica; 1.6 Research Frontiers
متن يادداشت
1.6.1 Marine Megafloods1.6.2 Martian Megafloods; 1.6.3 Megafloods and Planetary Change; 1.7 Discussion and Conclusions; References; 2 Flooding Northern Germany: Impacts and Magnitudes of Middle Pleistocene Glacial Lake-Outburst Floods; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Middle Pleistocene Glaciations and Related Ice-Dammed Lakes in Northern Central Europe; 2.2.1 Palaeogeographic Reconstructions of Middle Pleistocene Ice-Dammed Lakes in Northern Germany and the Southern North Sea Basin; 2.3 Lake Drainage; 2.3.1 Lake-Outburst Flood-Related Erosional and Depositional Features
متن يادداشت
2.3.2 Flood Magnitudes and Flood Simulations2.4 2D Hydraulic Simulation; 2.5 Impact of Middle Pleistocene Lake-Outburst Floods on the Evolution of Ice-Marginal Valleys and Post-glacial Fluvial Systems; 2.6 Summary; Acknowledgements; References; 3 Outburst Flood from Möhne Reservoir in May 1943 After Aerial Bombing; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The Ruhr District of 1943 and Its Water Supply; 3.3 Weapon Technology and the Attack in May 1943; 3.4 Applied Methods; 3.5 Reconstruction of the Outburst Flood Along the River Ruhr Valley
متن يادداشت
3.6 Damage, Psychological Effects and Political Consequences Caused by the Outburst Flood3.7 Context and Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Studies with Regional Focus; 4 Droughts in Historical Times in Europe, as Derived from Documentary Evidence; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Documentary Evidence; 4.3 Methods of Drought Reconstruction; 4.3.1 Interpretation of Droughts from Documentary Data; 4.3.2 Drought Reconstructions; 4.4 Droughts in Historical Times in Europe; 4.4.1 Spatiotemporal Overview of the Long-Term Variability of Droughts; The Mediterranean
متن يادداشت Western Europe4.4.1.3 Central Europe; Eastern Europe; 4.4.2 Examples of Outstanding European Droughts in the Past; Drought in 1361; Drought in 1616; Drought in 1718-1719; 4.5 Drought Impacts and Societal Responses; 4.5.1 Impacts of Drought on Society; 4.5.2 Social Responses; Perception, Spiritual and Ritual Approaches; Institutional/Legal-Administrative Decisions and Changes; 4.6 Perspectives for Future Research into Historical Droughts in Europe; Acknowledgements; References
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
The book provides a review of the most relevant topics on the booming discipline of palaeohydrology and focuses on previous extreme events like exceptional floods and droughts. Reviews written by leading experts of their fields are combined with selected key studies and presentations on up-to-day methodical and conceptional topics as a perspective for further research. Consequently, the compilation provides an excellent review on the state of the art of numerous relevant topics of palaeohydrology and acts as unique introduction for early career scientists and scientists of different disciplines working on hydrological extreme events, both in basic research and applied aspects.
یادداشتهای مربوط به سفارشات
منبع سفارش / آدرس اشتراک
Springer Nature
شماره انبار
ویراست دیگر از اثر در قالب دیگر رسانه
Palaeohydrology : Traces, Tracks and Trails of Extreme Events.