Defining bizarro --; Erasing Amyloo ; Oh my God, I'll never get home ; Baby pianos ; The large thing ; The adventures of a turtle ; The wounded breakfast ; Bringing a dead man back into life ; Ape ; Counting sheep ; The reason why the closet man is never sad / Russell Edson --; Clockwork girl / Athena Villaverde --; Punkupine moshers of the apocalypse / David Agranoff --; A million versions of right ; Concentration tongue ; The great headphone wank / Matthew Revert --; Ogner stump ; The eye hand of the Carolinas ; Nefarious habits ; The tea party ; The hex ; The vastness of space ; The somnambulist's lament / Andrew Goldfarb --; Cripple wolf / Jeff Burk --; Re-mancipator / Garrett Cook --; Sparklewheel / Kris Saknusemm --; The homewreckers / Cody Goodfellow --; The destroyed room / Cameron Pierce.
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )