1. Source Terms for Technetium-99 from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.- 2. Technetium Discharges into the Environment.- 3. Radiochemical Determination of Tc-99 and Release of Tc-99 from Nuclear Facilities.- 4. Activites du Technetium 99 Mesurees dans les Eaux Residuaires, l'Eau de Mer et Deux Bioindicateurs (Littoral de la Manche, 1983).- 5. Teehnetium-99 in Algae from Temperate and Arctic Waters of the North Atlantic.- 6. Technetium-99 in the Baltic Sea.- 7. Time Trend of 99Tc in Seaweed from Greenland Waters...- 8. Behaviour of Technetium in Freshwater Environments.- 9. Role of Organic Matter as a Geochemical Sink for Technetium in Soils and Sediments.- 10. Technetium Sorption in Surface Soils.- 11. Technetium Behaviour in Soils of the Canadian Preeambrian Shield.- 12. Soil-Humic Acid Complexes of Technetium: Synthesis and Characterisation.- 13. Measurement of the Complexation Capacity of Organic Matter in Dilute Extracts of Soils and Sediments.- 14. 99Tc in Environmental Waters.- 15. Properties and Solubility of Technetium Dioxide.- 16. Relevance of the Study of Technetium Accumulation and Speciation in Plants.- 17. A Review of the Biological and Geochemical Behaviour of Technetium in the Marine Environment.- 18. Accumulation and Loss of Technetium by Macrophytic Algae.- 19. Technetium in Micro-organisms.- 20. Technetium in Marine Animals.- 21. Le Technetium et l'Ormeau (Haliotis tuberculata): Donnees Experimentales et 'in situ'.- 22. Plant Root Absorption and Metabolic Fate of Technetium in Plants.- 23. Processus Biologiques Responsables de l'Accumulation du Tc-99 par les Vegetaux.- 24. Accumulation of Tc-Bio-organic Complexes in Spinach Plants in Relation to Growth.- 25. Speciation of Technetium in Plants Grown on Substrates which Contained Different Chemical Forms of Technetium.- 26. Retention par les Vegetaux du Technetium Relache dans l'Environnement en Association avec d'Autres Radiopolluants.- 27. Chemical Form of Technetium in Corn (Zea mays) and the Gastrointestinal Absorption of Plant-incorporated Tc by Laboratory Rats.- 28. Absorption and Retention in Sheep of Technetium Administered into the Rumen as Pertechnetate or Bound to Food.- 29. Transfer of 131I and 95mTc from Pasture to Goat Milk.- 30. Distribution of Orally Administered and Chronically Fed 95mTc in Japanese Quail Tissues and Eggs.- 31. The Significance of Environmental Exposure Pathways for Technetium.- 32. Estimations des Risques Radiologiques Lies a un Rejet Concerte de Technetium dans l'Environnement.- 33. Interaction entre Technetium et Molybdene dans l'Inhibition de la Nitrogenase d'Azotobacter Chroococcum.- 34. Toxicity of Long-term Application of Dietary Technetium to Rats and their Offspring.- Summary of the Oral Presentations.- Summaries of the Discussions of the Working Groups.- List of Participants.