1 The Estimation of Cadmium in Biological Samples --;A. Brief Survey of Cadmium Chemistry --;B. Analytic Methods for Cadmium --;References --;2 Cadmium in the Environment and its Entry into Terrestrial Food Chain Crops --;A. Introduction --;B. Natural Occurence --;C. World Production --;D. Consumption --;E. Cadmium in Noncontaminated and Contaminated Soils --;F. Phytotoxic Effects of Cadmium --;G. Concentrations of Cadmium in Food Chain Crops --;H. Human Intake of Cadmium --;J. Methods to Control the Entry of Cadmium into Food Chain Crops --;K. Summary --;References --;3 Absorption of Cadmium --;A. Introduction --;B. Routes of Exposure --;C. Mechanism of Intestinal Cd Absorption --;D. Control of Cd Absorption --;E. Summary --;References --;4 The Chronic Toxicity of Cadmium: Influence of Environmental and Other Variables --;A. Introduction --;B. Environmental Pollution with Cadmium and Health Effects --;C. Renal Effects --;D. Skeletal Effects of Cadmium --;E. Blood Pressure, Cerebrovascular Disease, and Heart Disease --;F. Recovery from Cadmium-Induced Health Effects --;G. Chemical Forms of Cadmium in Food and Health Effects --;H. Elevated Sensitivity to Cadmium --;J. Metal Shift in Cadmium Intoxication --;K. Biologic Monitoring of Cadmium Exposure --;L. Estimation of Allowable Intake of Cadmium --;References --;5 Effects of Cadmium Exposure in Humans --;A. Introduction --;B. Human Exposure to Cadmium --;C. Metabolism --;D. Acute Toxicity --;E. Chronic Toxicity --;References --;6 The Nephropathy of Chronic Cadmium Poisoning --;A. Introduction --;B. Uptake, Storage, and Turnover of Cadmium in the Kidneys --;C. Effects on Tubular Function --;D. Effects on Glomerular Function --;E. Diagnosis --;F. Prognosis --;G. Prevention --;References --;7 Cadmium and the Cardiovascular System --;A. Preface --;B. Historical Overview --;C. Actions of Cadmium on the Myocardium --;D. Vascular Actions of Cadmium --;E. The Cadmium Hypertension Controversy --;Appendix A --;Appendix B --;References --;8 Role of Metallothionein in Cadmium Metabolism --;A. Introduction --;B. Historical Background and Chemistry of the Metallothioneins --;C. Determination of Metallothionein Concentrations in Mammalian Tissues --;D. Metallothionein and the Metabolism of Cadmium --;E. Metallothionein Synthesis in Relation to the Chronic Toxicity of Cadmium --;F. Metallothionein Synthesis in Relation to the Acute Toxicity of Cadmium --;G. Kidney Uptake, Metabolism and Toxicity of Exogenous Metallothionein --;H. Function of Metallothionein in the Transport of Cd from the Liver to the Kidney --;J. Normal Functions of Metallothionein and the Interactions of Cd with these Functions --;K. Function of Metallothionein in the Reproductive Toxicology of Cd: Role in Perinatal Development --;L. Metallothionein: A Limiting Factor in the Chelation Therapy of Cd Intoxication --;References --;9 Immunotoxicity of Cadmium --;A. The Immune System --;B. Immunoassays --;C. Effects of Cadmium on Immune Responses --;D. Summary --;References --;10 The Effect of Dietary Selenium on Cadmium Cardiotoxicity --;A. Introduction --;B. Cadmium and the Heart --;C. Selenium Deficiency and Cardiomyopathy --;D. Cadmium-Selenium Interactions --;E. Cadmium-Copper Interactions --;F. Cadmium-Metallothionein Studies --;G. Investigations into the Mechanism of Cadmium Cardiotoxicity --;H. Physiologic Studies --;J. Conclusions --;References --;11 Cellular Resistance to Cadmium --;A. Introduction --;B. Cultured Cell Systems for Studying Cd Metabolism --;C. Role of Metallothionein in Cellular Cd Resistance --;D. Non-Metallothionein Mechanisms of Cellular Cd Resistance --;E. Models Describing Cd Metabolism and the Role of Metallothionein and Other Factors in Resistance and Sensitivity --;F. Future Directions --;G. Summary --;References.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
The problem of cadmium toxicity has become especially important, as cadmium concentrations in the environment have begun to rise owing to a variety of human activities such as mining, the metallurgical industry, coal combustion, and the use of cadmium-containing fertilizers.
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )