Papers presented at the Third International Conference on Bridge Management, held at the University of Surrey, Guilford, UK, on 14-17 April 1996.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
1. Bridge management objectives and methodologies --;2. Reconstruction and repair of steel highway bridges damaged by the Great Hanshin earthquake --;3. An expert system using case-based reasoning for selecting retrofitting methods of fatigue damage on steel bridges --;4. Prediction of bridge service life using time-dependent reliability analysis --;5. Reliability based reassessment of an existing concrete bridge : a case study --;6. Repair of the bascule pier of the Vislund Bridge --;7. Investigation, repair and strengthening of a viaduct's steel piers --;8. The Charmaix Viaduct (Savoy France) pier movements --;9. Investigation and rehabilitation of Tsing Yi South Bridge, Hong Kong --;10. Rehabilitation of a historic bridge over the Sand River near Virginia, South Africa --;11. Friarton Bridge strengthening --;12. Damage assessment and repair design of Dah Chih Bridge --;13. Strengthening of Langleybury Lane Bridge, Hertfordshire. 14. Emergency repairs and replacement of the 'Lange Lobrockstraat' railway bridge --;15. Repair, rehabilitation and replacement of Galata floating bridge --;16. Bascule bridge machinery rehabilitation at Hutchinson River Parkway Bridge --;17. Concrete specifications for new bridges --;18. Methodology for the assessment of the structural behaviour of concrete bridges --;19. Inspection and service life predictions of prestressed concrete cantilever bridges in Slovakia --;20. Optimisation of maintenance of concrete structures through service life calculation --;21. Relief of creep/shrinkage stresses in integrally constructed bridges --;22. Strengthening concrete bridge decks: increasing the shear capacity --;23. Application of cathodic protection to highway viaducts --;24. Design of innovative concrete bridges for South China --;25. Evolution of bridge maintenance management systems --;26. Risk-based approaches to economic appraisal load assessment and management of bridges : a review --;27. Bridge management systems: the need to retain flexibility and engineering judgement --;28. The association of ettringite with the cracking of in-situ bridge concrete --;29. Assessment of concrete bridges with inadequately anchored reinforcement. 30. Open spandrel masonry arch bridges --;31. Assessment and reconstruction of arch structures over the Basingstoke Canal --;32. Behaviour of skewed brickwork arch bridges --;33. Preservation and seismic strengthening of Donner Summit arch bridge --;34. Mass concrete arches --;35. Arch bridges Nanin and Cascella at the San Bernardino Pass, Switzerland --;36. Structural modification of the two-hinged arch Semimaru bridge --;37. Load test on a cast iron jack arch bridge --;38. Replacement of steel and composite bridges without traffic interruption --;39. Maintenance, service life and total cost of steel bridges in urban elevated highways --;40. Field stress measurements of a plate girder bridge carrying a 116 ton truck --;41. Linearised fatigue assessment procedure for welded components in bridge structures --;42. Investigation of the vibration behaviour of the Mukogawa exit ramp : a 7-span continuous curved girder bridge --;43. Evaluation of aluminium bridge systems. 44. Finite element model optimisation of a large bridge based on dynamic testing --;45. Possibility of fatigue-free steel girder bridges with simple transverse-stiffening systems based on large 3D FEM analysis --;46. Ultimate capacity analysis of bridges with deteriorated connections or members --;47. Aesthetic aspects of widening and rehabilitating historic bridges --;48. Influence of maintenance on the design of highway structures --;49. Replacement of motorway overbridges maintaining continuous motorway traffic --;50. Long-term slab-girder interaction in strengthen bridge decks --;51. A parameter study of the strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with bonded composites --;52. Road bridges strengthened by epoxy bonded steel plates --;53. Upgrading reinforced concrete beams by bolting steel side plates --;54. Peeling failure of reinforced concrete beams with externally bonded steel plates --;55. Bridge enclosure : facilitating construction inspection, maintenance, upgrading and operation --;56. Surface-applied inhibitor in rehabilitation of the Peney Bridge, Geneva, Switzerland --;57. Surface treatment standards to support owners, consulting engineers, contractors and suppliers. 58. Assessment of the protection against corrosion provided by repair systems --;59. Repair materials for civil engineering construction : Belgian experience --;60. A3/A31 Flyover : case history of an extremely post-tensioned bridge --;61. Evaluation of effects due to creep and shrinkage in existing prestressed concrete girders strengthened by external cables --;62. Increase of the load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete bridges by supplementary post-tensioning : Hungarian examples --;63. Prestressing cables inspection and assessment by means of the reflectometric method (RIMT) --;64. Non-ferrous prestressing and reinforcement for concrete highway bridges --;65. On the collapse of a cable-stayed bridge at Nienburg : a Nineteenth Century disaster revisited --;66. Axial fatigue life prediction of bridge cables. 67. Replacement of single cables in cable stayed and suspension bridges --;68. Seismic vulnerability evaluation of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge --;69. Investigation and load testing of a steel latticed truss viaduct --;70. Assessment, repairs, and refurbishment of a steel latticed truss viaduct --;71. Captain William Moore Creek bridge rehabilitation --;72. A risk-based framework for assessment and prioritisation of bridges --;73. Development of a bridge management system in Japan --;74. Planning bridge maintenance in Poland using a BMS based on a taxonomic investigation --;75. Information system for management of bridges owned by the Province of Perugia, Italy --;76. Whole life costing in road bridges applied to service life prediction --;77. Effective maintenance of the bridge stock in Finland --;78. Innovative solutions for unusual bridge maintenance problems in South Africa --;79. White Cart Viaduct : inspection, maintenance and design --;80. In service monitoring of A38 Motorway overbridge, Bristol. 81. M1 Motorway, Wilsthorpe Lodge Bridge --;82. Inspection and maintenance facilities for the Thelwall New Viaduct --;83. Investigation and strengthening study of twenty damaged bridges : a Belgium case history --;84. Assessment of reinforced concrete bridges: collapse tests on Thurloxton Underpass --;85. Supplementary load testing of Mellor Spodden concrete arch bridges --;86. Special inspection of post-tensioned concrete bridges on the M4 Motorway in Berkshire --;87. Assessment and design of unreinforced masonry parapets --;88. Dynamic monitoring as a tool for long span bridges --;89. Potential for friction welding in bridge structures --;90. Durability design : applying data from materials research and deteriorated structures --;91. The use of advanced composite materials in strengthening and maintaining bridges --;92. Strengthening of the Quinton Bridges with externally bonded steel plate reinforcement --;93. A stressmeter for assessing the in-situ stresses in concrete bridge structures --;94. Stress redistribution and structural reserves in prestressed concrete bridges --;95. The assessment of stress resultants and displacements in bridge decks by the use of distribution coefficients. 96. Analysis and assessment of bridges with minimal transverse reinforcement --;97. Traffic load assessment of bridges by permanent stress measurement --;98. Considering actual traffic during bridge evaluation --;99. Durability enhancement of half joints --;100. The mitigation of structure-borne noise on a steel railway bridge using a polyurethant resilient track isolation system --;101. Assessment and rehabilitation of a fractured bascule bridge --;102. New developments on orthotropic steel bridge decks : fatigue tests --;103.
متن يادداشت
The effectiveness of silane for extending the life of chloride-contaminated reinforced concrete --;104. The role of economic evaluation in the bridge management process --;105. Tamar Bridge : maintenance, assessment, strengthening --;106. Hagwilget Suspension Bridge : increasing capacity without strengthening.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Bridges need substantial investment in maintenance and upgrading if they are to function effectively throughout their planned life. This volume provides an overview of the latest international thinking on cost-effective engineering management of bridge structures.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Bridges -- Inspection -- Congresses.
موضوع مستند نشده
Bridges -- Inspection.
موضوع مستند نشده
Bridges -- Maintenance and repair -- Management -- Congresses.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )