Welcome Address: President of the Wildlife Disease Association.- Welcome Address: Chairman of the Conference.- Keynote Address: Wildlife Diseases-Philosophical Considerations.- Protozoans.- Helminths.- Koennen Ektoparasiten ein eine Wildtierpopulation regulierender Faktor sein?.- Wildvoegel als Ansteckungsgefahr fur Zoovoegel.- Versuche zur Entwurmung von Zoowiederkauern und Equiden mit Mebendazol.- Magenparasiten bei Schliefern.- Mycotic Infections in Amphibians and Reptiles.- Malnutrition in Captive Birds of Prey.- Vertical Transmission as an Unrecognized Problem in Transmission of Infection.- International Movement of Wild Animals in Relation to the Dissemination of-Zoonoses.- The United States Department of Agriculture Emergency Animal Disease Preparedness Program.- The Role of Hosts and Environmental Factors in the Natural Dissemination of Ticks: Studies on a Swiss Population of Ixodes ricinus (Linne, 1758).- Advances in Knowledge of Viral Diseases of Fish.- Biological Properties of a Virus Isolated from Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.).- Protozoan Disease of Freshwater Fishes: Advances and Needs.- Selected Bacterial Fish Diseases.- Helminthic Diseases of North American Freshwater Fishes.- Helminth Range Extension by Translocation of Fish.- Diagnostic Problems in Connection with Fish Diseases Caused by Monogenoideans.- A Rational Look at Parasitic Copepoda and Branchiura.- Avian Reservoirs of Newcastle Disease.- Current Status of Caliciviruses Isolated from Marine Mammals and Their Relationship to Caliciviruses of Terrestrial Animals.- Wildlife Reservoirs of Dermatophilosis.- The Natural History of Type-A Influenza Viruses and Wild Waterfowl.- The Role of Wild Pigs in the Epidemiology of African Swine Fever.- Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Wildlife with Particular Reference to the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer).- Wildlife Rinderpest.- Inhibition of Mallard Salt Gland Function by DDE and Organophosphates.- Pesticidruckstande in freilebenden Tieren als Indikatoren fur Umweltbelastungen.- Ruckstande an chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen in Organen wildlebender Tierarten.- Gehalte an Schwermetallen (Cadmium, Blei, Quecksilber) in einigen wildlebenden Wasservogelarten.- The Impact of Environmental Pollutants on Wildlife-An Overview.- Wildlife Disease Curricula in Australian Universities.- Das Studium der Wildtierkrankheiten an den Hochschulen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.- Wildlife Disease Traning in Colleges and Universities of the World.- Wildlife Disease Curricula in North American Universities.- Some Research Needs in the Zoonoses.- Regulatory Needs for International Control of Animal Diseases.- On the Essential Role of Intergovernmental Agencies in Controlling Wildlife Diseases.- Research Needs from the Conservation Viewpoint.- Plaque Neutralization Test Reactors to Bluetongue and EHD Viruses in the Southeastern U.S.A..- Viral Isolates from Ixodid Ticks of Wild Animals in Kenya.- Newcastle Disease in the Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, in Britain.- Experimental Pathogenesis of Lymphocystis in the Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa).- A Study of Epithelioma in the Atlantic Salmon (S. salar).- Properties of a Virus Isolated from the Bivalve Mollusc, Tellina tenuis Da Costa.- Role of Wildlife Hosts in the Epizootiology of LaCrosse Virus in Wisconsin.- Clinical and Pathological Aspects of Inclusion Body Disease (Herpesvirus infection) of Falcons (IBDF).- Pathogenicity and Host Range of the Falcon Herpesvirus.- Tollwutfrequenz, Ausbreitung und Fuchsdichte Untersuchungen in Baden-Wurttemberg.- Assessment of Fox Control Operations on Wildlife Rabies.- Incidence of R Factors Associated with Aeromonas hydrophila complex isolated from Aquarium Fish.- Zur Differenzierung zwischen Aeromonas salmonicida und den Aeromonaden der Hydrophila-Punctata-Gruppe.- Necrobacillosis in Kangaroos.- Anthrax Epizootics in Wildlife in the Etosha National Park, South West Africa.- Research on Infectious and Parasitic Agents in Foxes in the Modenese Apennines.- Ergebnisse mehrjahriger Hemmstoffuntersuchungen bei einheimischen Wildtieren.- Toxoplasmosis in Small Wild Mammals Occurring in Southern Poland.- Occurrence of Trypanosoma percae in Perches of the Southern Caspian Sea.- Toxoplasma-like Organisms as the Possible Causative Agents of a Proliferative Condition in Farmed Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus).- Trichinosis: A World Problem with Extensive Sylvatic Reservoirs.- Zum Vorkommen und Nachweis von Trichinella spiralis bei freilebenden Carnivoren, deren Fleisch fur den menschlichen Genuss bestimmt ist.- On the Helminth Fauna of the Moufflon (Vois aries musimon) Compared with those of Domestic Sheep (Ovies aries dam.) and Deer (Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus) in the Netherlands.- Parasitic Granulomas in Swedish Forest Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus).- Occurrence and Significance of Nasal Bot Infestation in Roe Bucks (Capreolus capreolus).- Investigations of the Host Specificity of Gastro-Intestinal. Nematodes of Roe Deer, Sheep, and Cattle 615.- Zoonosennachweis bei Wildtieren im Nordhessischen Raum.- UEber die Moeglichkeiten der Endoparasitenbekampfung von Wildtieren.- Ruckstandsuntersuchungen auf chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe bei Fallwild und bei gesund geschossenem heimischen Wild.- Ruckstandsuntersuchungen auf chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe in Eiern wildlebender Voegel.- Modellversuch an Fasanen zum Carry-over des Fungizids Hexachlorbenzol, des Insektizids Lindan und des Herbizids Terbutryn.- Der europaische Seehund als Bioindikator im Wattenmeer.- An Enzootic "Growth" of Kenya Hedgehogs: Preliminary Observations.- List of Participants.
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