1 Introduction --;2 Basic Concepts --;2.1 Basic Principles of MRI --;2.2 Contrast Media in MRI --;2.3 Medical Significance of Breast Tumors --;2.4 Breast Imaging Modalities --;3 Brief Review of the Development of Magnetic Resonance Mammography --;3.1 Development of MRM --;3.2 Present Investigations --;4 Present Indications for MRM --;5 Optimum Procedure for the MRM Examination --;5.1 History --;5.2 Procedure --;5.3 Problems and Sources of Error in MRM --;6 Clinical Aspects --;6.1 General Criteria for Image Interpretation --;6.2 The Normal Breast --;6.3 Carcinoma --;6.4 Fibroadenoma --;6.5 Cysts --;6.6 Scars --;6.7 Mastopathies --;6.8 Special Cases --;6.9 Comparison of the Results of MRM and X-Ray Mammography --;7 Teaching Examples --;8 Interpretation --;8.1 General --;8.2 The Normal Breast --;8.3 Carcinoma --;8.4 Fibroadenoma --;8.5 Cysts --;8.6 Mastopathies --;8.7 Scars --;8.8 Lactating Breast --;8.9 Comparison of MRM Results with X-Ray Mammography --;8.10 Future Outlook --;9 Summary --;Appendix: Research on the Development and Optimization of the Examination Technique --;A.1 MRI Equipment --;A.2 Coils for Breast Examination --;A.2.1 Coil Development --;A.2.2 Comparison of Three Different Breast Coils --;A.3 Examination Parameters --;A.4 Spin-Echo Examination Technique --;A.5 Gradient-Echo Sequences: Test Phase --;A.6 Dynamic Examinations --;A.7 3D-Dynamic Gradient-Echo Examinations --;A.8 In Vitro Studies of MR Contrast Enhancement --;A.9 Two-Dimensional Multislice FLASH Sequence --;A. 10 Spectroscopic Examinations --;Acknowledgment --;References.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer of women in the western hemisphere. The prognosis for women with breast cancer will improve due to earlier detection.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
Medical radiology.
موضوع مستند نشده
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )