Preface --;Preface to the first edition --;Infections and intoxications from the ocean: risks of the shore / Mark A. Clemence and Richard L. Guerrant --;Infections acquired via fresh water: from lakes to hot tubs / Bertha Ayi --;Arthropod-borne diseases: the camper's uninvited guests / Gregory Juckett --;Infections acquired in the garden / Cheston B. Cunha and Burke A. Cunha --;Diseases transmitted by man's best friend: the dog / Jerry Jacob and Bennett Lorber --;Diseases transmitted by cats / Ellie J.C. Goldstein and Fredrick M. Abrahamian --;Diseases transmitted by birds / Matthew E. Levison --;Diseases transmitted by less common house pets / Bruno B. Chomel --;Diseases transmitted by man's worst friend: the rat / James G. Fox --;Diseases transmitted by domestic livestock: perils of the petting zoo / John R. Dunn, Casey Barton Behravesh, and Frederick J. Angulo --;The ancient curse: rabies / Jesse D. Blanton and Ryan M. Wallace --;Sports: the infectious hazards / Geeta Gupta, Arezou Minooee, and Jeffrey Wang --;Infectious risks of traveling abroad / Lin H. Chen and Barbra M. Blair --;Sexually transmitted diseases and travel: from boudoir to bordello / Ann K. Avery and Jonathan M. Zenilman --;Infections from body piercing and tattoos / Mukesh Patel and C. Glenn Cobbs --;Infectious diseases at high altitude / Buddha Basnyat and Jennifer M. Starling --;Infectious risks of air travel / Alexandra Mangili, Tine Vindenes, and Mark Gendreau --;Infections on cruise ships / Vivek Kak --;Infections associated with exotic cuisine: the dangers of delicacies / Natasha Hochberg and Nahid Bhadelia.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Presents useful information to support confident identification of leisure-associated infections. Enables informed choices and provides an understanding of the risks posed to human health by hobbies, exotic foods and travel. Useful for health care professionals, microbiologists, and infectious diseases specialists.
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )