Drugs Affecting the Male Reproductive System --;Key Background: The Male Reproductive System --;Male Sex Hormones --;40. Drugs Affecting Fertility or Sexual Functioning --;Drugs Affecting Fertility --;Contraception --;Drugs that Affect Sexual Functioning --;UNIT 13 Drugs Used in Neoplastic Diseases --;41. Neoplasia and Treatment of Cancers --;Key Background: Neoplasia --;Treatment of Cancers --;42. Antineoplastic Agents and Adjuncts --;Key Background: Treatment of Neoplasia --;Cytotoxic Agents --;Hormones --;Other Antineoplastic Agents --;Adjunctive Treatments --;Cancer Chemotherapy Research --;UNIT 14 Drugs Affecting Microorganisms --;43. Overview of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Antibiotic Resistance --;Key Background --;Antimicrobial Therapy --;Antibiotic Resistance --;Combating Antimicrobial Drug Resistance. Note continued: General Guidelines for Use of Antibiotics --;44. Antibacterial Drugs --;Antibiotics --;Inhibitors of Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis --;Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhibitors --;Inhibitors of DNA Synthesis --;Miscellaneous Antibiotics --;Urinary Tract Antimicrobials --;45. Antifungal and Antiviral Drugs --;Antifungal Drugs --;Antiviral Drugs --;46. Antiprotozoal, Antimycobacterial and Anthelmintic Drugs --;Malaria --;Antimalarial Drugs --;Amoebiasis --;Mycobacterial Infections --;Helminthiasis --;UNIT 15 Drugs Affecting Body Defences --;47. Anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulating Drugs --;Key Background --;Resistance to Disease --;Natural and Acquired Immunity --;Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) --;Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) --;Immunosuppressant Drugs --;Immunostimulant Drugs --;Histamine and Histamine-Receptor Antagonists (Antihistamines) --;Drugs used for the Treatment of Gout --;48. Drugs Affecting the skin. Note continued: Key Background Structure. Functions and Pathologies of the skin --;Application of Drugs to the Skin --;Sunscreen Preparations --;Topical Ann microbial Agents --;Anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulating Agent --;Retinoids and Treatment of Acne --;Treatment of Burns, Pressure Sores and Leg Ulcers --;UNIT 16 Special Topics --;49. Drugs in Sport --;Key Background; History of Drugs in Spun --;Use and Abuse of Drugs in Spurt --;Drugs-and Methods Banned in Sports --;Substances Permitted in Spoils --;Drug Testing --;Ethical Aspects of Drugs in Sport --;50. Drugs in Obesity --;Key Background --;Health Risks Associated with Obesity --;Pathophysiology of Obesity --;Management of Obesity --;The Future --;51. Envenomation and Antivenoms --;Snakes --;Spiders --;Marine Envenomation.
متن يادداشت
Machine generated contents note: UNIT 1 Introduction to Pharmacology --;1. Drugs and Medicines --;Introduction and Definitions --;A Brief History of Pharmacology --;Sources of Drugs --;Drug Names and Classifications --;Drug Information --;Dosage Measurements and Calculations --;2. Pharmacotherapy: Clinical Use of Drugs --;Quality Use of Medicines --;Drug Prescriptions and Formulations --;Therapeutic Drug Monitoring --;3. Over-the-counter Drugs and Complementary Therapies --;Over-the-counter Drugs --;Complementary and Alternative Therapies --;4. Legal and Ethical Foundations of Pharmacotherapy --;Legal Aspects of Drug Use --;Standardisation of Drugs --;Drug Discovery and Development --;Ethical Principles Related to Drug Use in Healthcare --;UNIT 2 Principles of Pharmacology --;5. Molecular Aspects of Drug Action and Pharmacodynamics --;Drug Specificity, Selectivity and Affinity --;Molecular Targets for Drug Action --;Pharmacodynamics --;The Drug Concentration --;Response Relationship. Note continued: 6. Drug Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion --;Drug Absorption --;Routes of Drug Administration --;Key Pharmacokinetic Concept --;Drug Bioavailability --;Key Pharmacokinetic Concept --;Hepatic First-Pass Effect --;Drug Bioequivalence --;Biosimilars --;Drug Distribution --;Drug Metabolism --;Excretion of Drugs and Drug Metabolites --;7. Pharmacogenetics --;What Is Pharmacogenetics? --;Pharmacogenetics in Clinical Practice --;The Future --;8. Pharmacokinetics and Dosing Regimens --;Plasma Concentration-Time Profile of a Drug --;Key Pharmacokinetic Concept --;Clearance --;The Importance of Clearance --;Key Pharmacokinetic Concept --;Volume of Distribution --;Key Pharmacokinetic Concept --;Half-life --;Saturable Metabolism --;9. Individual and Lifespan Aspects of Drug Therapy --;Drug Use During Pregnancy --;Drug Use During Lactation --;Drug Use in the Elderly --;10. Adverse Drug Reactions and Drug Interactions --;Definitions. Note continued: Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions --;Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions --;Immune-modulating Drugs and Adverse Drug Reactions --;Risk Factors for Developing an Adverse Drug Reaction --;Drug-Drug Interactions --;Metabolic Drug Interactions Involving Nutrients and Complementary Medicines --;Strategies for Limiting Adverse Drug Reactions and Drug Interactions --;UNIT 3 Drugs Affecting the Peripheral Nervous System --;11. Overview of the Autonomic Nervous System and Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Transmission --;Key Background --;Action Potential Generation and Neurochemical Transmission --;Acetylcholine, Cholinergic Transmission and Acetylcholinesterase --;Drugs Acting at Muscarinic Receptors --;12. Overview of the Sympathetic Nervous System and Drugs Affecting Noradrenergic Transmission --;Key Background --;Adrenergic Drugs --;Adrenoceptor Antagonists --;13. Overview of the Somatic Nervous System and Drugs Affecting Neuromuscular Transmission. Note continued: Key Background --;Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs --;Anticholinesterase Agents --;UNIT 4 Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System --;14. Central Nervous System Overview and Anaesthetics --;Key Background --;General Anaesthesia --;Local Anaesthesia --;15. Analgesics --;Key Background --;Pain Management --;Analgesic Drugs --;16. Antianxiety, Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs --;Key Background: Sleep and Anxiety --;Benzodiazepines --;Other Anxiolytic and Sedative/Hypnotic Agents --;17. Antiepileptic Drugs --;Key Background: Epilepsy --;Antiepileptic Therapy --;18. Psychotropic Agents --;Key Background: Psychiatry and CNS Neurotransmitters --;Clinical Aspects of Drug Therapy in Psychiatry --;Antipsychotic Agents --;Treatment of Affective Disorders --;19. Central Nervous System Stimulants --;Key Background: History and Uses of Stimulants --;Amphetamines --;Methylxanthines --;20. Drugs for Neurodegenerative Disorders and Headache. Note continued: Key Background: Motor Nervous System Pathologies --;Drug Treatment of Movement Disorders --;Dementias, Delirium and Stroke --;Drugs Used in Migraine and Other Headaches --;21. Drug Dependence and social Pharmacology --;Drug Abuse, Dependence and Misuse --;Treating Drug Dependence --;Opioids --;Central Nervous System Depressants --;CNS Stimulants --;Psychotomimetics --;Other Drugs of Abuse --;UNIT 5 Drugs Affecting the Heart and Vascular System --;22. Overview of the Heart and Drugs Affecting Cardiac Function --;Key Background --;Drugs Affecting Cardiac Function --;Dysrhythmias and Antidysrhythmic Drugs --;23. Drugs Affecting Vascular Smooth Muscle --;Key Background --;Angina --;Direct-acting Vasodilator Drugs --;Peripheral Vascular Disease --;Indirect-acting Vasodilator Drugs --;24. Lipid-lowering Drugs --;Key Background --;Management Strategies for Dyslipidaemia --;UNIT 6 Drugs Affecting the Urinary System --;25. Drugs Affecting the Kidney and Bladder. Note continued: Key Background --;Diuretics --;Drugs for Bladder Dysfunction --;UNIT 7 Drugs Affecting the Blood --;26. Drugs Affecting Thrombosis and Haemostasis --;Key Background --;The Haemostatic Mechanism --;Anticoagulant Drugs --;Antiplatelet Agents --;Thrombolytic Drugs --;Haemostatic and Antifibrinolytic Drugs --;27. Drugs Affecting the Haemopoietic System --;Key Background --;Haematinics --;Haemopoietics --;UNIT 8 Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System --;28. Drugs Used in Respiratory Disorders --;Key Background --;Drug Delivery by Inhalation --;Medical Gases --;Respiratory Stimulants and Depressants --;Drugs Affecting Secretions and Mucociliary Transport --;Drug Treatment of Asthma --;Drug Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) --;Drugs Used in Respiratory Tract Infections --;Drugs Affecting the Nose --;UNIT 9 Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System --;29. Drugs Affecting the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract --;Key Background. Note continued: The Mouth (Buccal Cavity) and Pharynx --;The Oesophagus and Stomach --;Vomiting Reflex --;The Pancreas --;The Gallbladder --;30. Drugs Affecting the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract --;Key Background --;Drugs that Affect the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract --;Inflammatory Bowel Disease --;Irritable Bowel Syndrome --;UNIT 10 Drugs Affecting the Eye, Ear and Special Senses --;31. Drugs Affecting the Eye --;Key Background: Anatomy and Physiology --;Ocular Administration of Drugs --;Autonomic Drugs in the Eye --;Drugs Tor Glaucoma --;Antimicrobial Agents --;Anti-Inflammatory and Antiallergy Agents --;Local Anaesthetics --;Other Ophthalmic Preparations --;Systemic Diseases and Drugs Affecting the Eye --;32. Drugs Affecting Hearing, Taste and Smell --;Key Background: Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Ear --;Drugs Affecting the Ear --;Key Background: Taste and Smell --;Drugs Affecting Taste and Smell --;UNIT 11 Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System. Note continued: 33. The Neuroendocrine System and Pituitary Gland --;Key Background: Endocrine Glands and Hormones --;The Pituitary Gland 7 --;34. The Thyroid Gland and Antithyroid Drugs --;Key Background: The Thyroid Gland --;Pharmacological Treatment of Hypothyroidism --;Pharmacological Treatment of Hyperthyroidism --;35. Pharmacology of the Adrenal Cortex --;Key Background: The Adrenal Glands --;Glucocorticoids --;Mineralocorticoids --;36. The Endocrine Pancreas and Management of Diabetes Mellitus --;Key Background: The Endocrine Pancreas --;Management of Diabetes Mellitus --;37. Pharmacology of the Parathyroid Glands and Bone --;Key Background: Parathyroid Glands and Bone Mineral Balance --;Hormones and Drugs Affecting Bone --;UNIT 12 Drugs Affecting the Reproductive Systems --;38. Drugs Affecting the Female Reproductive System --;Key Background: The Female Reproductive System --;Female Sex Hormones --;Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy. Note continued: Treatment of Gynaecological Disorders --;Drugs During Pregnancy, the Perinatal Period and Lactation --;39.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Annotation.A new edition of the landmark pharmacology textbook for health science students in Australia and New Zealand. The third edition of Pharmacology for Health Professionals continues to be the one-stop pharmacology reference for students studying health science. Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 3rd Edition is thoroughly revised and updated to include the latest information on the clinical use of drugs, as well as their application to specific disciplines within the health professions. Working from a multidisciplinary approach throughout, this invaluable resource is ordered by body system and retains the features that have proved popular with health science students and lecturers, such as clinical interest boxes, drug monographs, chapter summaries and review exercises. This authoritative pharmacology textbook gives a comprehensive introduction to important pharmacology principles and concepts, with a strong focus on therapeutics. Written specifically for the Australasian region, Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 3rd Edition reflects local generic drug names, drug availability and clinical uses, along with local aspects of scheduling, drug legislation and ethical issues.
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Pharmacology -- Textbooks.
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )