edited by Richard J.G. Rycroft, Torkil Menné, Peter J. Frosch.
وضعیت ویراست
وضعيت ويراست
Second, revised and enlarged edition
وضعیت نشر و پخش و غیره
محل نشرو پخش و غیره
Berlin, Heidelberg
نام ناشر، پخش کننده و غيره
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
تاریخ نشرو بخش و غیره
مشخصات ظاهری
نام خاص و کميت اثر
(lii, 841 pages)
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
1 Historical Aspects --;2.1 Cellular Mechanisms in Allergic Contact Dermatitis --;2.2 Cutaneous Irritation --;2.3 Immediate Contact Reactions --;2.4 Phototoxic and Photoallergic Reactions --;3 Histopathological and Immunohistopathological Features of Irritant and Allergic Contact Dermatitis --;4 Molecular Aspects of Allergic Contact Dermatitis --;5 Individual Predisposition to Contact Dermatitis --;6 Epidemiology --;7 Clinical Features --;8 Hand Eczema --;9 Noneczematous Contact Reactions --;10.1 Patch Testing --;10.2 Organization of Patch Testing in Office Practice --;10.3 Spot Tests and Chemical Analyses for Allergen Evaluation --;10.4 Skin Tests for Immediate Hypersensitivity --;10.5 Photopatch Testing --;10.6 In Vitro Testing in Contact Hypersensitivity --;10.7 Noninvasive Techniques for Quantification of Contact Dermatitis --;11 Occupational Contact Dermatitis --;12 Contact Dermatitis in Children --;13 Allergens from the Standard Series --;14.1 Cosmetics and Skin Care Products --;14.2 Topical Drugs --;14.3 Clothing --;14.4 Shoes --;14.5 Pesticides --;14.6 Plastic Materials --;14.7 Health Personnel --;14.8 Plants and Plant Products --;15 Pigmented Contact Dermatitis and Chemical Depigmentation --;16 The Management of Contact Dermatitis --;17 Principles of Prevention and Protection in Contact Dermatitis --;18 Predictive Assays: Animal and Man, and In Vitro and In Vivo --;19 International Legal Aspects of Contact Dermatitis --;20 Computers and Patient Information Systems --;21 Contact Dermatitis Research Groups --;22 Patch Test Concentrations and Vehicles for Testing Contact Allergens.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
The Textbook of Contact Dermatitis covers every conceivable aspect of modern day management of contact dermatitis. Both irritatnt and allergic types of contact dermatitis are dealt with clearly and comprehensively, special emphasis being given to occupational aspects as well as to prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Also covered are epidemiological aspects, computerization of patch test data and patient imformation systems, noninvasive bioengineering measurement techniques, methods of skin testing other than patch testing, histopathology of both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis, and subjective reactions. The editors and contributing authors are all leading practitioners in the field. Their expertise has been brought to bear to.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )
مستند نام اشخاص تاييد نشده
edited by Richard J.G. Rycroft, Torkil Menné, Peter J. Frosch.