1 Microbial Interactions among Aerobic and Anaerobic Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria --;1. Introduction --;2. The Types of Bacteria --;3. Types of Microbial Interaction --;4. Competition --;5. Other Interactions Involving the Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria --;6. Enrichment Studies --;References --;2 Determining Microbial Kinetic Parameters Using Nonlinear Regression Analysis: Advantages and Limitations in Microbial Ecology --;1. Introduction --;2. Fundamental Definitions --;3. Use of Linearized Forms of Nonlinear Models --;4. Parameter Estimation Strategies --;5. Residuals Analysis --;6. Model Discrimination --;7. Optimal Experimental Design --;8. Some Models of Interest to Microbial Ecologists --;9. Concluding Remarks --;References --;3 Neglected Niches: The Microbial Ecology of the Gastrointestinal Tract 15 --;1. Introduction --;2. Species Diversity in the Gastrointestinal Tract --;3. Colonization Resistance --;4. Perturbation of the Gut Ecosystem --;5. Consequences of an Immature Microbiota --;6. Immune Mechanisms --;7. Adaptation to the Ecosystem: Important Determinants of Microbial Pathogenicity --;8. Behaviorism in the Intestinal Tract: The Importance of What Organisms Do Rather Than What They Are --;9. Man versus Mouse: The Relevance of Current Concepts of Intestinal Ecology --;10. Manipulation of the Intestinal Ecosystem --;11. Conclusion --;References --;4 Ecological Constraints on Nitrogen Fixation in Agricultural Ecosystems --;1. Introduction --;2. The Rhizobium Inoculum --;3. Establishment of Rhizobium --;4. Survival of in Soil --;5. Biological Stresses on Rhizobium --;6. Abiotic Stresses on Rhizobium --;7. Limitations on Nitrogen Fixation by Cyanobacteria --;8. Conclusion --;References --;5 Ecological Aspects of Heavy Metal Responses in Microorganisms --;1. Introduction --;2. Effects of Heavy Metals on Microbial Communities --;3. Effects of Heavy Metals on Microbially Mediated Processes --;4. Effects of Heavy Metals on Various Interactions --;5. Common Problems --;6. Future Prospects --;References --;6 Ecology of Microbial Cellulose Degradation --;1. Introduction --;2. Structure of Cellulose --;3. Cellulolytic Microorganisms --;4. Interaction among Microorganisms in Ecological Systems --;5. Conclusion --;References.
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Advances in Microbial Ecology was established by the International Com- mittee on Microbial Ecology (ICOME) as a vehicle for the publication of critical reviews selected to reflect current trends in the ever-expanding field of microbial ecology. Most of the chapters found in Advances in Microbial Ecology have been solicited by the Editorial Board.
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