ASEP Silver Level series preface --;Preface --;Acknowledgments --;pt. I. Creating a solid foundation --;1. Coaching philosophy --;Developing a positive coaching philosophy --;Understanding competition and using it constructively --;2. Communication --;What is communication? --;Sending effective messages --;Attentive listening --;Conflicts and confrontations --;3. Introduction to mental skills training --;Psychological factors and performance excellence --;Does MST work? --;The MST approach --;Roadblocks and myths surrounding MST --;Developing MST --;pt. II. Developing mental training tools --;4. Goal setting --;What are goals and why use them? --;Characteristics of effective goals --;Making goals work : the goal implementation process --;Developing athletes' goal-setting skills --;5. Imagery --;What is imagery? --;Factors influencing the effectiveness of imagery --;Using imagery effectively --;Developing an imagery training program --;6. Relaxation and energization --;What is relaxation? --;Relaxation strategies --;What is energization? --;Energization strategies --;Developing athletes' relaxation and energization skills --;7. Self-talk --;What is self-talk? --;How self-talk works --;Positive versus negative thinking --;Optimizing self-talk --;Developing athletes' smart-talk skills --;pt. III. Enhancing mental skills --;8. Motivation --;What is motivation? --;Athletes' needs and intrinsic motivation --;Impact of rewards --;Handling success and failure --;Creating a mastery-oriented motivational atmosphere --;9. Energy management --;Understanding energy management --;How does arousal affect performance? --;Why underarousal and overarousal impair performance --;Determining optimal energy zones --;Mental side of arousal --;Developing athletes' energy management skills --;10. Attention --;Understanding attention --;Attentional capacity --;Selective attention --;Sustaining focus : concentration --;Implementing an attentional skills program --;11. Stress management --;Understanding stress --;Stress management --;Developing athletes' stress management skills --;12. Self-confidence --;Understanding self-confidence --;Conceptualizing self-confidence --;Boosting self-confidence --;Developing team confidence --;Developing and maintaining self-confidence during competition --;Self-fulfilling prophecy : confidence booster or deflator? --;Developing athletes' self-confidence --;Final thoughts : developing ultimate confidence --;pt. IV. Integrating mental training tools and skills --;13. Mental plans --;Understanding mental plans --;Types of mental plans --;Role of triggers, releases, and cue words --;Developing mental plans --;Developing athletes' mental toughness skills --;14. Mental skills training programs --;Getting started --;Components of effective MST programs --;Implementing a basic MST program --;Appendix A. Answers to review questions --;Appendix B. Relaxation and energization scripts --;Appendix C. Test of performance strategies --;Glossary --;References and resources --;Index --;About the authors.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Suitable for undergraduates pursuing professions as coaches, physical education teachers and sport psychologists, this book presents an applied approach to sport psychology. It provides coaches with a practical discussion of motivation, communication, stress management, and mental imagery.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Coaching (Athletics)
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
Sports -- Psychological aspects.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )