Coffee as a crop and commodity --;The basics of the coffee crop --;World coffee production --;Insect pests and their management --;Stem- and branch-borers --;Berry-feeding insects --;Insects that feed on buds, leaves, green shoots and flowers --;Root- and collar-feeding insects --;Diseases and their management --;Foliage and shoot diseases --;Berry diseases --;Wilt diseases and diseases of the root and stem --;Nematodes --;Nutrient deficiencies and physiological diseases --;Integrated crop management --;Nursery management, transplantation and crop maintenance --;Shade management, conservation and biodiversity --;Postharvest and processing pests and microbial problems --;Integrated pest management and pest management technologies.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Packed with illustrations, this book covers the origins, botany, agroecology and worldwide production statistics of coffee, and the insect pests, plant pathogens, nematodes and nutrient deficiencies that afflict it.