Major Speakers --;Networks of Quasi-Reversible Nodes --;The c --;Server Queue with Constant Service Times and a Versatile Markovian Arrival Process --;Simulation Output Analysis for General State Space Markov Chains --;Models and Problems of Dynamic Memory Allocation --;Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms --;Point Process Method in Queueing Theory --;Error Minimization in Decomposable Stochastic Models --;Computational Methods for Product Form Queueing Networks: Extended Abstract --;Networks of Queues, I Richard Muntz, Chairman --;Closed Multichain Product Form Queueing Networks with Large Population Sizes --;The Significance of the Decomposition and the Arrival Theorems for the Evaluation of Closed Queueing Networks --;On Computing the Stationary Probability Vector of a Network of Two Coxian Servers --;Performance and Reliability Donald Gross, Chairman --;Fitting of Software Error and Reliability Models to Field Failure Data --;Performance Evaluation of Voice/Data Queueing Systems --;Probabilistic Aspects of Simulation Peter Lewis, Chairman --;On a Spectral Approach to Simulation Run Length Control --;Generation of Some First-Order Autoregressive Markovian Sequences of Positive Random Variables with Given Marginal Distributions --;Testing for Initialization Bias in the Mean of a Simulation Output Series: Extended Abstract --;Queueing Models in Performance Analysis, I Daniel Heyman, Chairman --;Response Time Analysis for Pipelining Jobs in a Tree Network of Processors --;Mean Delays of Individual Streams into a Queue: The?GIi/M/1 Queue --;Probabilistic Models in Performance Analysis of Computer Systems and Communication Networks Donald Gaver, Chairman --;Analysis and Design of Processor Schedules for Real Time Applications --;Modeling Real Dasd Configurations --;Bottleneck Determination in Networks of Queues --;Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms Dave Liu, Chairman --;On the Average Difference Between the Solutions to Linear and Integer Knapsack Problems.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
FunctionQl areas which are, or are becoming, sources of exciting problems are computer performance analysis, data base analysis, analysis of communication protocols, data networks, and mixed voice-data telephone networks.
عنوان اصلی به زبان دیگر
عنوان اصلي به زبان ديگر
Applied Probability-Computer Science
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Electronic data processing -- Congresses.
موضوع مستند نشده
Science (General)
موضوع مستند نشده
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )