The Major Histocompatibility System in Man and Animals
نام عام مواد
نام نخستين پديدآور
edited by Dietrich Götze.
وضعیت نشر و پخش و غیره
محل نشرو پخش و غیره
Berlin, Heidelberg
نام ناشر، پخش کننده و غيره
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
تاریخ نشرو بخش و غیره
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Introductory Remarks The Major Histocompatibility System. --;1 The Major Histocompatibility System in Man. --;1. Introduction --;2. Serologically Defined Histocompatibility Antigens --;3. Lymphocyte-Defined Antigens --;4. Serological Definition of B-Cell-Specific Alloantigens --;5. Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity --;6. Tissue Distribution of HLA Antigens --;7. Surface Distribution of HLA Antigens --;8. Biochemistry --;9. HLA-D Antigen (B-Cell-Specific, HLA-D Locus-Linked Gene Products) --;10. Linked Loci and Mapping of the HLA Region --;11. HLA and Transplantation --;12. HLA-Disease Associations --;References --;2 The Major Histocompatibility System of Subhuman Primate Species. --;1. Introduction --;2. RhL-A, MHS of Rhesus Monkeys --;3. ChL-A, the MHS of Chimpanzees --;4. Tissue Antigens of Other Subhuman Primates --;5. Similarities Among Tissue Antigens of Various Primate Species --;References --;3 The Major Histocompatibility System of the Dog. --;1. Introduction --;2. DLA Genetics --;3. Transplantation Biology of DLA --;4. Minor Histocompatibility Systems --;5. Concluding Remarks --;References --;4 The Major Histocompatibility System of Cattle, Pig, Rabbit, and Syrian Hamster --;4.1 The Major Histocompatibility System of Cattle. P. Iványi --;4.2 The Major Histocompatibility System of Pig. P. Iványi --;4.3 The Major Histocompatibility System of Rabbit. P. Iványi --;4.4 The Major Histocompatibility System of Syrian Hamster. W.R. Duncan, J.W. Streilein, and P. Iványi --;References --;5 The Major Histocompatibility System of the Guinea Pig. --;1. Introduction --;2. Serology --;3. Biochemistry --;4. Histocompatibility --;5. Genetic Control of the Immune Response by Gene Products from the MHS --;6. Genetic Organization --;References --;6 The Major Histocompatibility System of the Rat (Ag-B or H-1 System). --;1. Introduction --;2. Serogenetics of the H-1 System --;3. Role of the H-l System in Graft Rejection --;4. Genetic Control of Mixed Lymphocyte Reactivity by the H-1 System --;5. Graft-Versus-Host Reactivity and the H-l System --;6. Features of the Immune Response to H-l Antigens --;7. H-1-Linked Immune Response Genes --;8. The H-l System and Disease Susceptibility --;9. Effect of the H-l System on Fetal-Maternal Interactions --;10. Genetic Structure of the H-1 Chromosome --;11. Biochemistry of H-l Antigens --;12. Concluding Remarks --;References --;7 The Major Histocompatibility System of the Mouse. --;1. Brief History --;2. Serology --;3. Tissue Distribution --;4. Biochemistry --;5. Histocompatibility --;6. Immune Response --;7. Genetic Organization --;8. Concluding Remarks --;References --;8 The Major Histocompatibility System of the Chicken. --;1. Introduction --;2. The B System of the Chicken --;3. Methods for the Detection of B Antigens --;4. Definition of B Antigens --;5. Preparation of Antisera --;6. Chicken Populations Used for the Study of MHS --;7. MHS in Other Species of Birds --;8. Conclusions --;References --;9 Major and Minor Histocompatibility Systems of Ectothermic Vertebrates. --;1. Introduction --;2. The MHS and the Phylogeny of Transplantation Immunity --;3. The MHS and the Phylogeny of Mixed Lymphocyte Reactivities --;4. The MHS and the Phylogeny of Graft-Versus-Host Reactivities --;5. Concluding Remarks --;References --;10 Evolution and Function of the Major Histocompatibility System: Facts and Speculations. --;1. Introduction --;2. Facts --;3. Speculations --;4. Coda: The Temple of God? --;References.
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