1. Coefficients for Dehning The Degree of Similarity Between Objects --;1.1. Introduction --;1.2. The slope method of Du Mas --;1.3. Cattell's rc coefficient of pattern similarity --;1.4. The D-coefficient --;1.5. Cohen's rc coefficient --;1.6. Zubin's index and its variants --;1.7. Hyvarinen's coefficient --;1.8. Smirnov's coefficient --;1.9. Goodall's probabilistic similarity index --;1.10. The distance measure of Williams, a.o. --;1.11. Conclusion --;2. Methods Developed for Forming Clusters of Variables or Objects --;2.1. Introduction --;2.2. The matrix diagonal method --;2.3. Methods for re-ordering a socio-matrix --;2.4. Ramifying linkage analysis --;2.5. The Gengerelli method --;2.6. The approximate delimitation method --;2.7. The B-coefficient of Holzinger and Harman --;2.8. Iterative factor analysis --;2.8.1. Wherry and Gaylord --;2.9. Sneath's single linkage method --;2.10. Serensen's complete linkage method --;2.11. Wishart's method --;2.12. The method of Michener and Sokal --;2.13. Bridges' method --;2.14. The King method --;2.15. Tryon's cluster analysis --;2.16. Conclusion --;Methods of Forming Clusters for Objects --;3.1. Introduction --;3.2. Thomdike's method --;3.3. The method of Sawrey, Keller and Conger --;3.4. Ward's method --;3.5. Johnson's hierarchical clustering scheme --;3.6. Hierarchical representation of similarity matrices by trees --;3.7. Cluster analysis according to Constantinescu --;3.8. The method of Rogers and Tanimoto --;3.9. Hyvarinen's method --;3.10. Bonner's methods --;3.11. Boolean cluster search method --;3.12. Gengerelli's method --;3.13. Mattson and Dammann's method --;3.14. The methods of Edwards, a.o. --;3.15. Conclusion --;4. Methods for The Construction of Types Following Mcquitty --;4.1. Introduction --;4.2. Agreement analysis --;4.3. Elementary linkage analysis --;4.4. Elementary factor analysis --;4.5. Hierarchical linkage analysis --;4.6. Hierarchical syndrome analysis --;4.7. Multiple rank order typal analysis --;4.8. Classification by reciprocal pairs --;4.9. Intercolumnar correlational analysis --;4.10. Nominee-selectee analysis --;4.11. Multiple agreement analysis --;4.12. Criticism --;5. Some Applications --;5.1. Introduction --;5.2. Thorndike's method --;5.3. The method of Sawrey, Keller and Conger --;5.4. Ward's method --;5.5. McQuitty's syndrome analysis --;5.6. Factor analysis --;5.7. Comparison of the applications --;Conclusion.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
During the last years the number of applications of cluster analysis in the social sciences has increased very rapidly. Dr. Bijnen has done an extremely useful job by putting together and evaluating attempts to arrive at better and more elegant techniques of cluster analysis from such diverse fields as the social sciences, biology and medicine.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
Social sciences.
موضوع مستند نشده
Sociology & Social History.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )