Chapter 1 Poly(alpha-olefins) --;chapter 2 Poly(internal olefins) / G. Corsico --;chapter 3 Esters / Steven James Randles --;chapter 4 Phosphate Esters / Michael P. Marino --;chapter 5 Polymer Esters / Uwe Wallfahrer --;chapter 6 Polyalkylene Glycols / Paul L. Matlock --;chapter 7 Alkylated Aromatics / Margaret M. Wu --;chapter 8 Perfluoroalkylpolyethers / Gregory A. Bell --;chapter 9 Polyphenyl Ether Lubricants / Manuel E. Joaquim --;chapter 10 Polychlorotrifluoroethylene / Dale A. Ruesch --;chapter 11 Silicones / Clay Quinn --;chapter 12 Silahydrocarbons / F. Alexander Pettigrew --;chapter 13 Phosphazenes / Robert E. Singler --;chapter 14 Dialkyl Carbonates / Giuseppe Fisicaro --;chapter 15 Cycloaliphatics / Edward W. Casserly --;chapter 16 Polybutenes / John D. Fotheringham --;chapter 17 Highly Refined Mineral Oils / Ronald A. Phillipps --;chapter 18 Comparison of Synthetic Fluids / Wilfried J. Bartz --;chapter 19 Automotive Crankcase Oils / Stephen C. Lakes --;chapter 20 Automatic Transmission Fluids / James F. Landry --;chapter 21 Automotive Gear Lubricants / Stephen C. Lakes --;chapter 22 Industrial Gear Lubricants / Dennis A. Lauer --;chapter 23 Synthetic Grease / Paul A. Bessette --;chapter 24 Compressors and Pumps / Kenneth C. Lilje --;chapter 25 Refrigeration Lubes / Steven James Randles --;chapter 26 Hydraulics / Andrew G. Papay --;chapter 27 Metalworking Fluids / William L. Brown --;chapter 28 Automotive Trends in Europe / R. David Whitby --;chapter 29 Automotive Trends in the United States / Cynthia D. Ontiveros --;chapter 30 Automotive Trends in Asia / R. David Whitby --;chapter 31 Automotive Trends in South America / R. David Whitby --;chapter 32 Industrial Trends / Raymond B. Dawson --;chapter 33 Trends Toward Synthetic Fluids and Lubricants in Aerospace / Carl E. Snyder, Jr. and Lois J. Gschwender --;chapter 34 Environmental Impact / Bradley F. Droy --;chapter 35 Commercial Developments / R. David Whitby.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Hydraulic fluids.
موضوع مستند نشده
Lubrifiants synthétiques.
موضوع مستند نشده
Synthetic lubricants.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )