Clinical Application and Validity --;History of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring --;Necessity of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring from a Dutch Point of View --;Changing Trends of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring in the United States --;The Dublin Randomised Controlled Trial of Intrapartum Electronic Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring --;The Use of Fetal Surveillance During Labor in the Federal Republic of Germany --;Present and Future Technical Advances in Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring --;Physiology of Fetal Heart Rate During Intrauterine Life --;Antenatal Heart Rate Analysis at the Bedside Using a Microprocessor --;Fetal Hemodynamic Alterations During Advancing Gestation --;Pathophysiology of Fetal Heart Rate Deceleration --;Incidence and Pattern of Fetal Heart Rate Alterations During Labor --;Fetal Hemodynamic Responses to Reduced Uterine Blood Flow in the Sheep Fetus --;Variability of Fetal Heart Rate Deceleration, Blood Pressure, and Acid Base Alterations During Defined Repetitive Hypoxic Stress --;Fetal Heart Rate Response to Hypoxia in the Subhuman Primate --;Fetal Heart Rate Alterations in Partial and Total Cord Occlusion --;Neurohumoral and Metabolic Response of the Fetus to Hypoxia --;Adrenal-Medullary Activity and Cardiovascular Control in the Fetal Sheep --;The Dip Area: A Measure of Acid Base Alterations? --;Fetal Heart Rate and Fetal Deterioration: Clinical and Experimental Observations --;Kinetics of Lactic Acid Accumulation and Removal in the Fetus --;Pharmacological Aspects of Fetal Heart Rate Regulation During Hypoxia --;Pathophysiology of Fetal Heart Rate Variability and Base Line Fetal Heart Rate --;The Control of Fetal Heart Rate and Its Variability in Lambs --;Short- and Long-Term Variability in Fetal Heart Rate Pattern and Its Relation to Basal Heart Frequency --;Long-Term Observation of Fetal Heart Rate Irregularities --;Fetal Heart Rate Patterns in Experimental Intrauterine Growth Retardation --;Chemoreceptor and Baroreceptor Function with Respect to Fetal Heart Rate Variability --;Blood Flow Measurements in the Human Fetus.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
In the past decade fetal heart rate monitoring has become a generally ac- cepted method for fetal surveillance during pregnancy and labor.
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