Cover; Contents; List of Illustrations; Acknowledgements and Permissions; Abbreviations; Chronology --;May 1940-March 1941; Introduction; The disputed invasion threat; The propaganda war; 1 A Tangle of Vapour Trails; Defining propaganda; The Air Ministry; 'Ministry of Morale'; Winston Churchill; Conclusions; 2 Squadrons Up; RAF Fighter Command; The Luftwaffe; The Battle of Britain; Reckoning; 3 Arise to Conquer; RAF pilots' combat experiences and morale; Luftwaffe morale and the Few; Contemporary tributes to the Few; British, Empire and international tributes; Deliverance; 4 Winged Words. Collating and broadcasting the claimsBreaking the news; Persuading Britain; The aircraft-claiming controversy; Significance; 5 Mastery of the Air; Wireless propagandists; BBC home news coverage; Contribution; Plate section; 6 Finest Hour; 'Hot' propaganda: the press; Warrior-heroes; Off the front pages-The Mirror and The Times; Magazines and journals; Conclusions; 7 Men Like These; Newsreels as propaganda; Newsreel coverage of Fighter Command; American newsreels; MOI 'shorts'; A restrospective; 8 The Sky's the Limit; The RAF in focus; Photographing the Few; Portraying the Luftwaffe. Newspaper and magazine cartoonsMagazine illustrations; Newspaper and magazine advertisements; Posters; War art --;official and semi-official; Battle iconography in retrospect; 9 Combat Report; People's war: Britain and the Battle; Persuading America; The Axis: Germany and Italy; Persuading the world; Winning the propaganda war; 10 The R.A.F. in Action; Cinema, propaganda and the RAF; America and the Few; Retrospect and post-war cinema; 11 To So Few; Publishing propaganda; Official and semi-official propaganda; Unofficial propaganda; Inspiring the young --;official and unofficial publications. Post-war historiographyConclusion; War Artists' Appendix; Bibliography; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y; Z.
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