Political Trust as Rational Choice.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Trust as an Attitude.- 3. A Definition of Trust.- 4. Deutsch's Definition of Trust.- 5. The Inadequacy of the Prisoners' Dilemma Model of Trust.- 6. Risk in the Prisoners' Dilemma.- 7. The Assessment of Risk.- 8. Rational Trust.- On `Normative' Rational-Choice Theories of Politics.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Liberal Theory of the State.- 3. The Destination of Small Communities.- 4. The State and the Decay of Voluntary Cooperation.- 5. Concluding Remarks.- Various Meanings of `Rational Political Decisions'.- 1. Meanings of `Politics'.- 2. One Actor: Decisions under Certainty.- 3. One Actor: Decisions under Risk.- 4. More than One Actor: Noncooperative Games.- 5. More than One Actor: Cooperative Games.- 6. Conclusion.- Political Aspects of Economic Power: A Critique of the Market Concept.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Eclipse of Power in Economics: Power and Economic Law.- 3. Economic Power as Market Power.- 4. The Evidence: Tight Oligopoly and the Dominant Firm.- 5. Neglect of Bipartite Market Structure: Bilateral Monopoly.- 6. Inadequacy of Bipartite Market Paradigm: Multipartite Markets.- 7. External or Extra Market Power.- On the Significance of Language and a Richer Concept of Rationality.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Speech Acts.- 3. Rules of Political Interlocutions.- 4. The Element of Strategy in Political Interlocutions.- 5. On the Preference Structure of a Rational Political Actor.- 6. Conclusion.- Individual and Collective Rationality.- 1. Economic and Political Rationality.- 2. Discrete Social Choice Theory.- 3. Smooth Social Choice Theory.- 4. Conclusion.- Strategy and Reflexivity.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Problems of Reflexive Processes of Cognition.- 3. Reflexivity-Oriented Rationality and Socialization.- When Are Decision-Makers Irrational? Some Methodological Problems Related to the Analysis of Political Decision-Making.- 1. Introduction.- 2. An Empirical Example: Relocation of the Central State Administration in Sweden.- 3. Determining Preferences.- 4. Explaining Discrepancies.- Explaining Rational Political Action.- Some Problems in the Study of Party Strategies.- 1. On the Analysis of Party Strategies.- 2. Types of Empirical Material.- 3. Three Types of Studies.- 4. The Problem of Category Proliferation.- 5. The Problem of Circularity.- 6. A Research Program.- Housing, Building, and Planning.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Placing the 1974 Choice in Historical Perspective.- 3. Making the Meaning of the Alternatives as Precise as Possible in Order to Explain the Choice.- 4. Suggesting How the Choice, thus Stated, Might Possibly Be Explained.- Positions on Energy Policy: A General Framework and the Case of the Swedish Center Party in the Decision of May, 1975.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Elements of an Energy Policy Position.- 2.1. The Questions of Consideration; Managing Agencies; Finances; Supervision; and Form of Decision.- 2.2. The Goal Issue.- 2.3. Question of Management Subject: Kinds of Primary Energy Sources and Their Flow through Society.- 2.4. Policy Instruments.- 3. The Position of the Center Party.- 3.1. Long-Range Goals.- 3.2. Long-Range Policy Instruments.- 3.3. Middle-Range Goals.- 3.4. Middle-Range Policy Instruments.- Testing Coalition Theories: The Combined Evidence.- 1. Introduction.- 2. What Is an Event: Testing Theories or Predicting Coalitions?.- 3. The Combined Evidence: Comparing Methods and Data.- 4. The Combined Evidence.- 5. Conclusion.- The Dilemma of Rational Legislative Action: Some Danish Evidence.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Rational Behavior Models and Politics.- 2.1. Application Problems.- 2.2. Normative and Empirical Aspects.- 2.3. Individual Choice and Social Outcome.- 3. The Rationale of Legislative Specialization.- 4. Legislative Specialization in Denmark.- 5. Consequences of Legislative Specialization.- Implementation Analysis: The `Missing Chapter' in Conventional Analysis Illustrated by a Teaching Exercise.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Student's Assignment.- 3. Background on the University of Massachusetts Medical School.- 4. A `Classic' Cost-Benefit Analysis.- 5. Guidelines for Critiquing Analysis: Notes on the Massachusetts Medical School Assignment.- 6. Epilogue: What Happened?.- About the Contributors.- Index of Names.- Index of Subjects.