1 General Concepts --;References --;2 General Surgical Concepts --;References --;3 Olfactory Groove Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;4 Suprasellar Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;5 Medial Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;6 Middle Third Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas --;General and Surgical Considerations --;Personal Series --;Illustrative Case --;Reference --;7 Lateral Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;8 The Problem of Classifying Meningiomas of the Posterior Fossa Skull Base --;9 Jugular Foramen Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;10 Meningiomas Involving the Lower Clivus and the Foramen Magnum (Craniospinal Meningiomas) --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;11 Upper and Middle Clivus Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;12 Posterior Pyramid Meningiomas (Cerebellopontine Angle Meningiomas) --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Consideration --;Illustrative Cases --;References --;13 Petroclival Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Cases --;References --;14 Incisural Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;15 Trigeminal Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Cases --;References --;16 Meningiomas Involving the Cavernous Sinus --;General and Surgical Considerations --;Illustrative Case --;References --;17 Meningiomas in Miscellaneous Locations --;Personal Series --;Illustrative Case --;18 Intraosseous Meningiomas --;General Considerations --;Personal Series --;Illustrative Cases --;References --;19 Pathobiology and Neuropathology of Meningiomas --;Pathobiology --;Histogenesis --;Incidences --;Molecular Biology --;Endocrine Reactivity --;Neuropathology --;Typing --;Grading --;Staging --;Addendum in Proof --;References.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Although surgery of the skull base still represents a frontier involving different specialties, it is increasingly being accepted and recognized as a special area po- sing both unique diagnostic and surgical challenges and specific requirements.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Medical radiology.
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )