Origen and the Alexandrian tradition = Origene e la tradizione alessandrina : papers of the 8th International Origen Congress, Pisa, 27-31 August 2001 /
نام نخستين پديدآور
edited by L. Perrone ; in collaboration with P. Bernardino and D. Marchini.
مشخصات ظاهری
نام خاص و کميت اثر
2 volumes :
ساير جزييات
illustrations ;
25 cm.
عنوان فروست
Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium ;
مشخصه جلد
یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
v. 1. Alexandria and the myth of multiculturalism / G.G. Stroumsa -- Origen and Hellenism / D.T. Runia -- Creating a context: Anti-Judaism and scholarship on Origen / R.L. Wilken -- Origen's Alexandrian Commentary on Genesis / Ronald E. Heine -- Papyrus Berolinensis 20915 in the context of other early Christian writings from Egypt / A. van den Hoek -- Origen as literary critic in the Alexandrian tradition / J.A. McGuckin -- The Logos as the food of life in the Alexandrian tradition / A.G. Paddle -- Logos and Koinonia in Philo's De Confusione Linguarum / Joseph S. O'Leary -- The Alexandrian tradition of the inspired interpreter / K.J. Torjesen -- Echoes of Valentinian exegesis in Clement of Alexandria and Origen: the interpretation of 1Cor 3, 1-3 / J.L. Kovacs -- Valentinus on Exodus 33, 20: Valentinian traditions in the Gospel of Truth and in Origen's Commentary on John / J.W. McCree -- Clement and Platonism / Eric Osborn -- The many faces of truth: Origenian Platonism or Platonic Origenism? / S.E. Antonova -- Self-knowledge and subjectivity in Origen / R.M. Berchman -- Origen and the Pythagoreanism of Alexandria / Gerald Bostock -- Evil and diversity in Origen's De Principiis / M. Kuyama -- An Aristotelian science-methodological principle in Origen's commentary on John / Róbert Somos -- The anthropological context of Origen's two higher senses of scriptural meaning / E.A. Dively Lauro -- Origen on the human body / A.-Ch. Lund Jacobsen -- Some comments on Origen's Homilies on the Gospel according to Luke / W.G. Rusch.
متن يادداشت
v. 2. Origen's doctrine transmitted by Anthony the Hermit and Athanasius of Alexandria / C. Kannengiesser -- The idea of "flight for persecution" in the Alexandrian tradition from Clement to Athanasius / Johan Leemans -- Theophilus and Cyril of Alexandria on the divine image: a consistent Episcopal policy towards the Origenism of the desert? / Norman Russell -- Origen and Cyril of Alexandria: continuities and discontinuities in their approach to the Gospel of John / J.W. Trigg -- The Church as "the house of truth" in the Letters of Anthony of Egypt / Pamela Bright -- Deification in Origen, Evagrius and Cassian / Augustine M.C. Casiday -- The influence of Origen on Coptic exegesis in the sixth century: the case for Rufus of Shotep / Mark Sheridan -- Maximus Confessor's criticism of Origenism: the role of movement within ontology / Pablo Argárate -- Origen and the iconoclastic controversy / V.A. Baranov -- Christ as teacher of theology: praying the Our Father with Origen and Maximus / A.G. Cooper -- Interpreting attentively: the ascetic character of biblical exegesis according to Origen and Basil of Caesarea / P.W. Martens -- The doctrine of Logos and intellect in the philosophy of Ioane Petritsi: Evagrian-Origenist influences / Levan Gigineishvili -- The Collectio Sabbaitica and sixth-century Origenism / Andrew Louth -- Macarian or Evagrian: the problem of Origenist legacy in Eastern Syriac mystical literature / Alexej Muravjev -- God as Monad and Henad: Dionysius the Areopagite and the Peri Archon / István Perczel -- Lotto, Origen & St. Barbara: another look at the revival of Origen in the Renaissance / Marco Rizzi -- Justification by faith alone in Origen's Commentary on Romans and its reception during the Reformation Era / T.P. Scheck.