یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references (pages [381]- 400) and indexes
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Part 1: Anglo-Saxon England: Backgrounds and Beginnings. Political History ; Ecclesiastical History ; Intellectual History ; Linguistic History ; Literary History ; Traditions: Oral and Literate ; A Note on Dating Anglo-Saxon Texts. -- Part 2: Anglo-Saxon Prose. The Writings of King Alfred the Great ; Alfred's Translation of Pope Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care ; Alfred's Translation of Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy ; Alfred's Translation of St Augustine's Soliloquies ; Alfred's Translations of the Prose Psalms of the Paris Psalter ; Alfred's Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Pope Gregory's Dialogues ; The Vercelli Homilies ; The Blickling Homilies ; The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ; The Old English Orosius ; Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People ; Apollonius of Tyre ; The Old English Martyrology ; The Life of St Guthlac ; The Wonders of the East, The Letter of Alexander to Aristotle, and The Life of St Christopher ; Bald's Leechbook and Leechbook III ; The Writings of Wulfstan, Archbishop of York ; The Writings of Ælfric of Eynsham ; Catholic Homilies ; Lives of Saints ; Colloquy on the Occupations ; Ælfric as Author. -- Part 3: Anglo-Saxon Poetry. The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Tradition ; Cædmon's Hymn ; Bede's Death Song ; The Junius Manuscript ; Genesis ; Genesis A ; Genesis B ; Exodus ; Daniel ; Christ and Satan ; The Poems of the Vercelli Book ; Andreas ; Fates of the Apostles ; Soul and Body I (and II) ; Homiletic Fragment I ; The Dream of the Rood ; Elene ; The Exeter Book ; The Advent Lyrics (Christ I) ; The Ascension (Christ II) ; Christ in Judgement (Christ III) ; Life of St Guthlac ; Guthlac A ; Guthlac B ; Azarias ; The Phoenix ; Juliana ; The Wanderer ; The Gifts of Men ; Precepts ; The Seafarer ; Vainglory ; Widsiõ ; The Fortunes of Men ; Maxims (I) ; The Order of the World ; The Rhyming Poem ; The Panther, The Whale, The Partridge (The Old English Physiologus) ; Soul and Body II (and I) ; Deor ; Wulf and Eadwacer ; The Exeter Book Riddles ; The Wife's Lament ; Judgement Day I ; Resignation (A and B) ; The Descent into Hell ; Almsgiving ; Pharaoh ; The Lord's Prayer I ; Homiletic Fragment II ; The Husband's Message ; The Ruin ; The Poems of Cotton Vitellius A.xv ; Beowulf ; Judith ; Poems from Various Manuscripts ; The Metres of Boethius ; The Metrical Psalms of the Paris Psalter ; Solomon and Saturn I and II ; The Menologium ; The Rune Poem ; The Poems of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ; The Battle of Brunanburh ; The Battle of Maldon ; The Fight at Finnsburh ; Waldere ; Durham. -- Part 4: Critical Approaches. The Alterity of Anglo-Saxon Literature ; Source Studies ; Manuscript Studies ; Grammatical and Syntactic Studies ; Theoretical Perspectives. -- Part 5: Themes. Anglo-Saxon Thematics ; Heroism ; The End of the World ; The Transitory Nature of Life ; Fate ; Wisdom ; Otherness ; Oral-Traditional Themes
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
"The Anglo-Saxon Literature Handbook presents an accessible introduction to the surviving works of prose and poetry produced in Anglo-Saxon England, from AD 410-1066. This book: Makes Anglo-Saxon literature accessible to modern readers ; Helps readers to overcome the linguistic, aesthetic and cultural barriers to understanding and appreciating Anglo-Saxon verse and prose ; Introduces readers to the language, politics, and religion of the Anglo-Saxon literary world ; Presents original readings of such works as Beowulf, The Battle of Maldon, The Wanderer, The Seafarer, and The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle."--Publisher's website