I. Unique Public Places of the Asia Pacific Region -- 1. The Waterfront as a Public Place in Tokyo -- 2. The Street Market as an Urban Facility in Hong Kong -- 3. The Roles of the Plaza: The Philippine Experience -- 4. Japanese Public Space as Defined by Event -- 5. Rukun and Gotong Royong: Managing Public Places in an Indonesian Kampung -- II. Problems in Public Space -- 6. The Vanishing Streets in the Malaysian Urbanscape -- 7. Endangered Street Life: Building Frontages and Street Activities in Hanoi -- 8. The Quest for Better Public Space: A Critical Review of Urban Hong Kong -- 9. Public Domain, Private Interest - Social Space in Hong Kong -- III. New Design/Planning Strategies -- 10. Architecture in the Pacific Century -- 11. Multi-Dimensional Planning and Public Space in the Philippines -- 12. Place-Making and the New Mobility of Asian Cities: The Bangkok Plan -- 13. Design with High-Density: A Chinese Perspective -- 14. A Question of Local Models: Public Spaces in Mae Hong Son, Thailand -- 15. The Alley as a Spiritual Axis for the Community: The Hikifune Project, Tokyo -- 16. Vision of a 21st-Century Public Place: GigaWorld, KL LinearCity, Kuala Lumpur -- 17. The Next Generation of Singapore's Public Space: The New Downtown.