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یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Volume 1. Asking the right questions )theory, history, traditions, context in mass communication research(. Theory in media research / Oliver Boyd-Barrett -- The complementarity of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in media and communication research / Klaus Bruhn Jensen -- Media, culture and modern times : social science investigations / Graham Murdock -- Remarks on administrative and critical communications research / Paul Felix Lazarsfeld -- Media sociology : the dominant paridigm / Todd Gitlin -- Communication research : one paradigm, or four? / Karl Erik Rozengren -- The three paradigms of mass media research in mainstream communication journals / W. James Potter, Roger Cooper and Michel Dupagne -- The new revisionsim in mass communication research : a reappraisal / James Curran -- Mass communication research : asking the right questions / James D. Halloran -- Cultural compliance and critical media studies / Greg Philo and David Miller -- Researching media institutions, organisations, professionals and production. The history of media institutions. Finding data, reading patterns, telling stories : issues in the historiography of television / John Corner -- Problems and possibilities in the writing of broadcasting history / Asa Briggs -- Media professionals and media production. Participant observation : researching news production / Simon Cottle -- The research method / Philip Elliott -- News as purposive behavior : on the strategic use of routine events, accidents, and scandals / Harvey Molotch and Marilyn Lester -- Four approaches to the sociology of news / Michael Schudson -- Media gatekeeping / Pamela J. Shoemaker -- Research approaches / Richard V. Ericson, Patricia M. Baranek and Janet B.L. Chan -- New)s( times : toward a 'second wave' of news ethnography / Simon Cottle -- Holism, communion and conversion : integrating media consumption and production research / David Deacon -- Volume 2. Researching media institutions, organisations, professionals and production )continued(. Political economy )media institutions(. The political economy of communications / Janet Wasko -- Communications policy research. Facing in : researchers and academia / Sandra Braman -- Media policy paradigm shifts : toward a new communications policy paradigm / Jan van Cuilenburg and Denis McQuail -- Researching media content and representation. Content analysis. Overview of media research methodologies : media output / Barrie Gunter -- Reflections : ethnographic content analysis / David L. Altheide -- Two approaches to the study of advertisements / William Leiss, Stephen Kline and Sut Jhally -- Reading the news / Richard V. Ericson, Patricia M. Baranek and Janet B.L. Chan -- Semiotics and discourse analysis. Semiotic analysis / Arthur Asa Berger -- 'Suit, tie and a touch of juju' : the ideological construction of Africa : a critical discourse analysis of news on Africa in the British press / Heather Jean Brookes -- How to view commercials / Paul Rutherford -- Discourse analysis / Rosalind Gill -- Structural and narrative analysis. Narrative and genre / Horace Newcomb -- Structural analysis and mass communication / Olivier Burgelin -- Introduction to the structural analysis of narratives / Roland Barthes -- Narrative strategies in television science : a case study / Roger Silverstone -- Re)de(fining narrative events : examining television narrative structure / Michael J. Porter, Deborah L. Larson, Allison Harthock and Kelly Berg Nellis -- Volume 3. Researching media content and representation )continued(. Framing analysis. The constructionist approach to framing : bringing culture back in / Baldwin Van Gorp -- The framing project : a bridging model for media research revisited / Stephen D. Reese -- Framing : toward clarification of a fractured paradigm / Robert M. Entman -- Cascading activation : contesting the White House's frame after 9/11 / Robert M. Entman -- Getting framed : the media shape reality / Charlotte Ryan -- The power of a frame : an analysis of newspaper coverage of tobacco issues : United States, 1985-1996 / Claudia L. Menashe and Michael Siegel -- The empirical approach to the study of media framing / James W. Tankard, Jr. -- Linguistic and rhetorical analysis. An integration of corpus-based and genre-based approaches to text analysis in EAP/ESP : countering criticisms against corpus-based methodologies / Lynne Flowerdew -- Corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis : examining the ideology of sleaze / Debbie Orpin -- Figures of rehetoric in advertising language / Edward F. McQuarrie and David Glen Mick -- From 'politically correct councillors' to 'Blairite nonsense' : discourses of 'political correctness' in three British newspapers / Sally Johnson, Jonathan Culpeper and Stephanie Suhr -- Tampering with nature : 'nature' and the 'natural' in media coverage of genetics and biotechnology / Anders Hansen -- The meanings of 'risk' : a view from corpus linguistics / Craig Hamilton, Svenja Adolphs and Brigitte Nerlich -- Visual analysis. Analysing visuals : still and moving images / Simon Cottle -- Rhetoric of the image / Roland Barthes -- The determinations of news photographs / Stuart Hall -- Building the world's visual language : the increasing global importance of image banks in corporate media / David Machin -- Taking television seriously : a sound and image bite analysis of presidential campaign coverage, 1992-2004 / Erik P. Bucy and Maria Elizabeth Grabe -- Researching media and communication in society : consumption, audiences, politics, problems and pleasures. Five traditions in search of the audience / Klaus Bruhn Jensen and Karl Erik Rosengren -- The challenge of changing audiences : or, what is the audience researcher to do in the age of the internet? / Sonia Livingstone -- Audience and readership research / Jenny Kitzinger -- Survey research. Survey research / Pamela J. Shoemaker and Maxwell E. McCombs -- The BBC internet study : general methodology / Stian Reimers -- Volume 4. Researching media and communication in society : consumption, audiences, politics, problems and pleasures )continued(. Focus group research. The focused interview / Robert K. Merton and Patricial L. Kendall -- The methodology of focus groups : the importance of interaction between research participants / Jenny Kitzinger -- From focus groups to editing groups : a new method of reception analysis / Brent MacGregor and David E. Morrison -- Rethinking the focus group in media and communications research / Peter Lunt and Sonia Livingstone -- Selected key models in media audience and influence research. Cultivation analysis. Growing up with television : the cultivation perspective / George Gerbner, Larry Gross, Michael Morgan and Nancy Signorielli -- Agenda-setting. The agenda-setting function of mass media / Maxwell E. McCombs and Donald L. Shaw -- Reception analysis. Patterns of involvement in television fiction : a comparitive analysis / Tamar Liebes and Elihu Katz -- Uses & gratifications. Media uses and effects : a uses-and-gratifications perspective / Alan M. Rubin -- Political and public opinion influence. The media, public opinion, and political action / Holli A. Semetko -- Television, public opinion and the war in Iraq : the case of Britain / Justin Lewis -- Effects of news coverage on policy attention and actions : a closer look into the media-policy connection / Itzhak Yanovitzky -- Constructionism. The rise and fall of social problems : a public arenas model / Stephen Hilgartner and Charles L. Bosk -- Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power : a constructionist approach / William A. Gamson and Andre Modigliani -- Doing communication research : sources & resources, the research process. Using data archives for secondary analysis / Clive Seale -- Dealing with documentation / David Deacon, Michael Pickering, Peter Golding and Graham Murdock -- Mass media research and the internet / Roger D. Wimmer and Joseph R. Dominick -- Reaching conclusions, evaluating the research, writing the report / Ina Bertrand and Peter Hughes.