نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )
کد نقش
عنصر شناسه اي
edited by Peter W. Lee and Robert S. Carbonara ; sponsored by Powder Metallurgy Committee of ASM's Mechanical Working and Forming Division ; co-sponsored by Rapid Solidification Technology Subcommittee of ASM's Materials Systems & Design Division's Aerospace Committee and the Metallurgical Society of AIME
نام / عنوان به منزله شناسه افزوده
عنصر شناسه اي
AU .W reteP ,eeL
عنصر شناسه اي
AU .S treboR ,aranobraC
عنصر شناسه اي
CO American Society for Metals. Powder Metallurgy Committee
عنصر شناسه اي
CO American Society for Metals. Aerospace Committee. Rapid Solidification Technology Subcommittee