Introduction: Applying social theory to public relations / ├yyvind Ihlen and Betteke van Ruler -- On Beck : risk and sub-politics in reflexive modernity / Magnus Fredriksson -- On Berger : a social constructionist perspective on public relations and crisis communication / Mats Heide -- On Bourdieu : public relations in field struggles / ├yyvind Ihlen -- On Foucault : a toolbox for public relations / Judy Motion and Shirley Leitch -- On Giddens : interpreting public relations through Anthony Giddens' structuration and late modernity theory / Jesper Falkheimer -- On Goffman : researching relations with Erving Goffman as pathfinder / Catrin Johansson -- On Habermas : understanding and public relations / Roland Burkart -- On Latour : actor-network-theory (ANT) and public relations / Piet Verhoeven -- On Luhmann : contingency, risk, trust, and reflection / Susanne Holmstr├m -- On Mayhew : the demonization of soft power and the validation of the new citizen / Richard Stanton -- On Putnam : bowling together--applying Putnam's theories of community and social capital to public relations / Vilma Luoma-aho -- On feminist theory of public relations : an example from Dorothy E. Smith / Lana F. Rakow and Diana Iulia Nastasia -- On Spivak : theorizing resistance--applying Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in public relations / Mohan Jyoti Dutta -- On Weber : legitimacy and legitimation in public relations / Arild Waeraas -- Conclusions on the domain, context, concepts, issues, and empirical avenues of public relations / ├yyvind Ihlen and Piet Verhoeven -- Commentary: Linking sociology with public relations--some critical reflections in reflexive times / Gu╠enter Bentele and Stefan Wehmeier.